Help stabalize my OC


Nov 28, 2008
My system is

ASUS P5N-D 750i

2x2gb G.SKILL PI Black 2x2gb G.SKILL HK 8gb total

Graphics Card

Hard Drive
Hitachi 500Gb

Sound Card
Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi Xtreme

Power Supply

CPU cooling

Vista 64

ive been overclocking and what Im set to at the moment is

Vcore (cpuz says its at 1.36)
Dram 1.890
HT 1.44
NB 1.44
SB Auto
FSB 1727
Memory 800
Mult 8.5
timing 4-4-4-12 2 clocks

I just ran intelburn test for 10 rounds and it passed 1 out of 10 tests so 10% passed 90% failed. I want to make this stable at this speed so what do you suggest? Should I turn on C1 in the bios? Change NB HT SB Ram voltage? Not really sure what to change at this point!
I had the timings at 5-5-5-15 before but it still didnt stabilize. Yea ive been through the guides. Someone on another forum suggested putting the HT higher. I gave it a shot and it seems like its stabilizing but temps are way up there. Like 79-79-78-78 under load so ill have to ease off voltages once I know its stable. Ill drop the vcore a bit I guess. But ddo you think i should ease off of the NB a but?
What is HT??

TEMPS way to high!!

Have you set GTL ref's ?

8 Gb's (two different types) of ram you will need to set skew's also.

vtt ?

I presume you have turned off the EIST, speedstep, Etc., locked your PCIE to 100.
Ht is 1.44
yea temps are too much once its stable Ill lower the voltage so I can cool the temps

I have no idea what GTL refs are Im not sure how to set skew or what that is and ditto to PLL and vtt. Yes everything is disabled.

Not sure what your talking about in most of your post Lol sorry ><
Cross, I have your exact same system, except i have 8 gigs of corsair dominator ram and a PC and powercooling 750W.

At no point do you mention how high your OCing your cpu. You never mentioned it's OCed speed.

i have a Q9550 with that exact same board running at 3.2 ghz. Temps are around 44c.

That board has a very tough time going beyond 400mhz FSB. Put all your settings back to auto. take your 2.83ghz and push it to 3.2ghz. Leave everything on auto. Run prime95 for 24 hours, if stable, then start bringing your voltage down a few notches. The P5n-d mobo runs the q9550 AT 1.29V ON AUTO.

My settings for 3.2ghz OC are:

Vcore 1.25V
Dram 2.11 (I have 8 gigs of ram so more voltage is needed.)
HT auto
NB 1.48 (again, 8 gigs of ram, this is needed.)
SB Auto

RAM at 800mhz
timing 5-5-5-15 2T clocks

Remember, in my case, having 8 gigs of ram requires more NB and RAm voltages, and looser timings.

Also, remember to set your timings on your ram to auto for your cpu OC testing.

5-5-5-15 is very respectful timings. You have to remember that OCing your FSB stresses your CPu most, but does strain your ram and Northbridge as well.

Try putting your NB to 1.48V and run your ram timings on auto.

Also, put the rest of your system on auto as well, as i mentioned before.

If i can do it with the same system, so can you.
I ran my ram at 4-4-4-12 timings and could never get a stable OC on prime95 no matter how much voltage i threw at it. once i loosened the timings, wala!

Lastly, I have a GTX285 as well running at 750/1500/2400mhz OCed. Stock coolers. 45c when playing games. You should try it. It helps alot.

You both have me curios, what is this HT you both are stating???

What does HT stand for???

OH, vtt= CPU Termination Voltage
pll= Phase Locked Loop Voltage
Memory skews are just VERY SLIGHT timing adjustments for when you have all 4 slots populated