Question Help to find replacement fan for laptop


Sep 25, 2020
One of my laptop fans is dead (quite recent MSI laptop), and I don't want to send it to the seller or the manufacturer because it is a mess (I am on a far island...), and it is easy to replace it! But I can't find it on the web, I found the reference (BS5005HS U3I) but on the picture it is not the same.

Anybody to help me ?
look like the BS5005HS-U3I and BS5005HS-U3J are very similar, cheapest I could find is here -

Thanks, but I also found this one, and even the reference is the same, it is not the same on the picture, finally I found it : here. This is exactly the same, and I found it because there was a second reference on the ld fan : 16S3-GPU, the one on the site is "S1", but it seems exactly the same than my old one.
But I don't know this seller... Anyway, no choice I have order it!