Help to update BIOS


Sep 22, 2018
Hello, i have a problem, i want to upgrade my processor, and i was told i need to update my bios, before i put in a new processor, my bios ver. 1.70

MSI X370 Gaming Pro Carbon, Socket-AM4

I have downloaded from

And i unzip the file and put it on my USB-Drive (FAT32)

When i go into Bios, and M-Flash, i can see my USB-Drive name, but nothing else, So what i'm i missing? In order to update my BIOS?

Have windows 10

I was poking around MSI website and the latest BIOS version for your board is 7A32v1H. They had a small link on Youtube on how to Flash your BIOS.

They don't specify what format the USB stick needs to be but I'm assuming the basic of the basic. Can you format in FAT instead of FAT32? Or maybe installing Live Update and try to update from Windows? I'm not familiar with MSI boards but from what you're describing, you're doing everything you're supposed to.

I can try format in FAT instead of FAT32... I will see if that work
I have a kind of similar problem. Except I can't download the latest update 7A32v1H . From what I'm reading it seems MSI has removed this update from some systems for some reason. I am on a 1700x and I need to update my bios. but when I try and download it tries to take me to live update, which does not offer the option of downloading it..