Help! Was recently hacked


Apr 7, 2014
My computer was recently hacked as well as my email addresses! I noticed that account information was being changed on two of my gmail accounts so I immediately changed the passwords. However, this did not stop the hackers as they were able to quickly change the password back and we were going back and forth for some time. Then I saw some text come across my desktop that said "helpmetomm's buddies". At that point I pulled the cable to my modem. I am on u-verse and have only the default u-verse router/modem that they supplied. I was successful in closing out the gmail accounts but I am very disappointed with google's email hijack support. All you can do is deactivate the account once you get in but then you can always reactivate it again later if you know the answers to the secret questions...

I guess my question is what would you recommend to do from here? I have formatted my computer and plan to format it again to make sure than reinstall an Operating system (I had windows 8 on it before). Should I also call AT&T uverse to get a new IP Address or how does that work? I also plan to buy a separate router besides the ATT one supplied. Will have to get new email addresses too. This has really scared me...
Gmail is one of the most powerful Emails on what security refers to, by the way they have a Second Step verification process as well.

However this Security measures are useless if you share your passwords with other people, write passwords on notebooks, access to your Gmail account from unoficial websites, if you have dangerous plugins installed in your browser or even a keylogger or a spyware installed on your Computer.

Follow this steps if you want to take control of things again:

1.- Make sure your Computer is safe from Malware, you can use a free trial of Norton 360, use Spybot Search and Destoy or try BitDefender, the idea is to make sure there are no malicious programs running on your Computer.

2.- Install a Firewall on your...
The steps you're planning to take are good, should do the trick, dunno how AT&T uverse handles the assignment of a new IP address, assuming you have a static IP plan with them, though I'm quite sure you have a dynamic IP arrangement so by simply resetting the modem should get you a new IP address.

Not sure if you need to get new email addresses, if you manage to change again password, secret answers and add the cellphone authentication method you should be ok.

Thanks. Really wish gmail had better support (I know their product is free but still...)...was just hoping google could help to trace down these guys. I did have sensitive information in my email account.
Gmail is one of the most powerful Emails on what security refers to, by the way they have a Second Step verification process as well.

However this Security measures are useless if you share your passwords with other people, write passwords on notebooks, access to your Gmail account from unoficial websites, if you have dangerous plugins installed in your browser or even a keylogger or a spyware installed on your Computer.

Follow this steps if you want to take control of things again:

1.- Make sure your Computer is safe from Malware, you can use a free trial of Norton 360, use Spybot Search and Destoy or try BitDefender, the idea is to make sure there are no malicious programs running on your Computer.

2.- Install a Firewall on your Computer, you can try the free versions of COMODO FIREWALL or ZoneAlarm.

3.- Once you are sure your computer is safe, open your Internet Browser (make sure you have all your plugins disabled), try regain access to your Gmail account then change your password again, don't use your Birthday date, your Father's Name or any type of password like this, please use random letters and numbers.

Here is a tool for that:

4.- Install the Second Step Verification app for Gmail:

This should help you regain control of your Computer and your Gmail account.

If you get hacked again then you can try purchasing another Router with a powerful in-built firewall, and create another Gmail account with another Username and Password and make sure your Computer is safe from Malware and that your Browser hasn't got any dangerous plugins or extensions.

I would like to name some Router models that could do the job very well and have a very powerful in-built firewall, but they are quite expensive and I don't know if you can afford them.

Good luck with this,
Best regards,
David Berger.
Password has for ages been the only means to continue to keep accounts secure and remains the most popular choice. Additional the password is generated on the server, with no way of verifying how it's generated. Putting the crucial settings, it is simple to receive a strong password of the type that You want.

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