theassman :
Let me ask you. Should I spread it? (thermal paste) or should I let the HS squash it down? Because I already applied it and reapplied it a few times, and I think that I'm running out of thermal. So I if that is the problem, then I want to make sure that this time it's right. also, I can't run those program because I'm doing a test boot. So it's only to test it and see if anything is wrong with the core components. I'm a first time builder so I'm getting used to this. I found the hardest part so far to be the application of thermal paste
No, dont spread it, let it spread itself out. When pressure and heat are applied it will completely smooth itself out. If you try to spread it and end up creating a pocket or air gap that will lead to degradation of the paste when it comes in contact with that air (dries the paste out). Just make sure w/e hsf you use that it is snug and has NO wiggle. This way when the paste gets warm and "seats" itself the hsf will not wobble. Im not talking machine tighten here with an impact wrench. Never over tighten!!!
You are not alone...and as most new builders eventually find, applying paste is not as difficult as they initially made it out to be. Now that you have done it though you know what to expect next time. It really isnt rocket science and once you have done it several times this will become the easiest part.
Use w/e tools you are comfortable relying on. The reason we all use the same tools here is because we know they have been tested and proven by our peers. Other then that use what is always good too