Help! Which option would you choose to upgrade? (CPU or GPU?)


Mar 19, 2014
Hello. I'm just about to purchase the components to build my first rig :) Before I do, I am looking for some advice on a couple of options I could take.

Currently on my shortlist
CPU: AMD FX-6300
GPU: Radeon R7 260x

Now I'm building on a bit of a budget, but after a lot of browsing I figured I could spare an extra £30 and take one of these two routes:

i) Upgrade the FX-6300 to FX-8320


ii) Upgrade the GPU to either a GeForce GTX 660 or a Radeon R9 270 (not the x model).

So my questions are:

1. Which of these two routes would offer the best short or long term gain? (Especially in regards to gaming)
2. Would taking either of these routes result in a significant performance increase to warrant the extra £30?
3. Your opinion on what is the better option between the GTX 660 or R9 270?

Hopefully, with your help I'll be able to clear this matter and get on with building! :)

Both CPUs are a 3.5GHz so you won't see any real difference in performance despite adding 2 cores. So go with the GPU upgrade the R9 270 should perform a little better then the GTX 660, how much better depends on what your doing so I'd get which ever is the better deal.