Help with adaptive voltage settings


Nov 13, 2013
Hi first time overclocker here and I thought I'll try my hand at overclocking as I've always been using stock speeds and I read its easier than ever to overclock nowadays. This is my problem. I'm using a z87 Asrock board and using the A=tuning software that comes with the mb. So I want to test for stability at 4.2 ghz and setting Vcore to 1.2V. I read that adaptive voltage means that your cpu will run at the set voltage under heavy load and otherwise at a much lower voltage under idle. This is what I want so i set the adaptive voltage at 1.200 V and 4.2 ghz. I run intelburn test and while monitoring through cpu-z, I notice that my voltage jumps to almost 1.4 V and the com bsod and restarts. Im confused shouldn't the voltage cap at 1.2V that I set and how do I prevent it jumping so high. Even if the com detects that 1.2V is too low, surely 1.4V is too high even for adaptive voltage.

Note that when I tried with override voltage and set it at 1.215V, it does stay stable at that value but I do not want it to run at that voltage even when idle. So I would appreciate if someone could help me with the voltage jump under adaptive voltage settings. Also I notice there's offset voltage and should I tinker with that value? Feel free to clarify and I can post a screenshot if needed.Thanks for all your replies.

Part of your voltage increase is due to Intel Speed Step technology (a setting in the BIOS) and part is because that is just the way that Haswell is designed.

Personally, I use Intel Extreme Tuning Utility to switch quickly between Adaptive and Override without rebooting. I use Override for stress testing and Adaptive for all else.

I don't fool with Offset. I just leave that on Auto.


Thanks for the reply yogi. I realized I made the silly mistake of stress testing using adaptive settings which made my vcore go crazy high. I changed to override and it ran perfectly at 4.2 ghz at 1.18V. I'm happy with that.

You're welcome! Glad that you got it worked out.
