Help with an upgrade if needed.

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Aug 8, 2014
I'm hoping to get a oculus rift soon but I was wanting to know if I might need to upgrade my gpu as well. My setup has a intel i5-4690k (stock clocks), 8gb rams, and a amd fury (stock clock). If I were to upgrade I plan to get a gtx 1070 at the most. I know it doesn't really out perform the fury to much but might it be worth it for vr?
Unless you can get the GTX 1070 for a minimal price after selling the fury, I wouldn't bother. The R9 Fury is almost as fast as the GTX 1070. My advice is to test the VR with the Fury, and if you feel that it's not enough, then get the 1070, but I don't feel it will make much of a differecne.
Unless you can get the GTX 1070 for a minimal price after selling the fury, I wouldn't bother. The R9 Fury is almost as fast as the GTX 1070. My advice is to test the VR with the Fury, and if you feel that it's not enough, then get the 1070, but I don't feel it will make much of a differecne.
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