Hello! This is my first post, but any help is appreciated!
For the past month my computer has been really struggling.
It has a bunch of problems and I'm guessing it is because the computer is getting old (built almost 5 years ago, been used VERY actively over those years.)
(Mainly for gaming)
but I don't know which components are causing the problems. I would like to keep anything that works fine as they are quite high quality parts..
Or maybe it's related to my drivers, I have no clue. If so, how can I find the outdated/malfunctioning drivers?
I'll just list as many of my problems as I can think of:
-Windows will sometimes not boot at all. I start up the computer and my monitor and keyboard etc will light up, but absolutely nothing happens from there.
-Windows will often crash while booting. Sometimes before the log-on screen, sometimes during log-on and sometimes after logging on.
If I'm lucky enough to reach my desktop one or more of the following often happens.
-I reach my desktop but none of my shorcuts or anything will load. No startup programs load either.
-Sometimes after a while the desktop shortcuts will partially load in, but I am unable to click anything, no startup programs boot.
-The shortcuts sometimes all load in and my startup programs(steam, discord, software for keyboard/mouse etc) begin booting.
However after they have all started up they immediately crash (stop responding) and cause my entire system to freeze. I cannot open nor close any programs. Sometimes they respond after a bit of waiting and sometimes they don't.
-If I'm lucky and everything boots properly various programs randomly crash, very often games, which in turn freezes my entire system.
If I manage to close the crashing program the system often starts responding again.
Some other things that might mean something:
-Discord, which i alone keep on my second montor, is almost never affected by the crash.
I can interact and use discord normally and talk to friends in voice channels while
everything else is crashing.
-Most of the time when programs crash I am able to Win+Tab/Alt+Tab to attempt closing programs.
I cannot however interact with the taskbar at all and close programs that way.
-In the case of video games, the crash is often realted to the game not loading everything in, soft-locking me in the game.
(for example large portions of the in-game HUD will not load and I'm unable to navigate around within the game)
(attempting to tab out/close the game while this is happending crashes the game and my system afterwards)
Some programs/games that I feel crash more than others: Steam, Overwatch, PAYDAY 2, Task manager.
(not that I've tested that many programs)
My specs:
OS: Windows 10 x64-bit
Drives: 1 TB HDD + 250GB SSD (for windows+ a few other programs)
CPU: Intelcore i7-4790K @ 4GHz
GPU: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 970
Motherboard: ASUS Z97-A
PSU: Corsair CX500 (500W)
(All parts were bought and installed at the same time.)
(if there is anything more needed I will ofcourse add!)
I'm honestly just trying to find out where the problem is, so that way I can fix it.
Trying to monitor my GPU/CPU rarely works as the monitoring programs crash along with everything else...
Any help is GREATLY appreciated!! 😉
For the past month my computer has been really struggling.
It has a bunch of problems and I'm guessing it is because the computer is getting old (built almost 5 years ago, been used VERY actively over those years.)
(Mainly for gaming)
but I don't know which components are causing the problems. I would like to keep anything that works fine as they are quite high quality parts..
Or maybe it's related to my drivers, I have no clue. If so, how can I find the outdated/malfunctioning drivers?
I'll just list as many of my problems as I can think of:
-Windows will sometimes not boot at all. I start up the computer and my monitor and keyboard etc will light up, but absolutely nothing happens from there.
-Windows will often crash while booting. Sometimes before the log-on screen, sometimes during log-on and sometimes after logging on.
If I'm lucky enough to reach my desktop one or more of the following often happens.
-I reach my desktop but none of my shorcuts or anything will load. No startup programs load either.
-Sometimes after a while the desktop shortcuts will partially load in, but I am unable to click anything, no startup programs boot.
-The shortcuts sometimes all load in and my startup programs(steam, discord, software for keyboard/mouse etc) begin booting.
However after they have all started up they immediately crash (stop responding) and cause my entire system to freeze. I cannot open nor close any programs. Sometimes they respond after a bit of waiting and sometimes they don't.
-If I'm lucky and everything boots properly various programs randomly crash, very often games, which in turn freezes my entire system.
If I manage to close the crashing program the system often starts responding again.
Some other things that might mean something:
-Discord, which i alone keep on my second montor, is almost never affected by the crash.
I can interact and use discord normally and talk to friends in voice channels while
everything else is crashing.
-Most of the time when programs crash I am able to Win+Tab/Alt+Tab to attempt closing programs.
I cannot however interact with the taskbar at all and close programs that way.
-In the case of video games, the crash is often realted to the game not loading everything in, soft-locking me in the game.
(for example large portions of the in-game HUD will not load and I'm unable to navigate around within the game)
(attempting to tab out/close the game while this is happending crashes the game and my system afterwards)
Some programs/games that I feel crash more than others: Steam, Overwatch, PAYDAY 2, Task manager.
(not that I've tested that many programs)
My specs:
OS: Windows 10 x64-bit
Drives: 1 TB HDD + 250GB SSD (for windows+ a few other programs)
CPU: Intelcore i7-4790K @ 4GHz
GPU: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 970
Motherboard: ASUS Z97-A
PSU: Corsair CX500 (500W)
(All parts were bought and installed at the same time.)
(if there is anything more needed I will ofcourse add!)
I'm honestly just trying to find out where the problem is, so that way I can fix it.
Trying to monitor my GPU/CPU rarely works as the monitoring programs crash along with everything else...
Any help is GREATLY appreciated!! 😉