Help with constantly crashing computer!

Sep 12, 2018
Hello! This is my first post, but any help is appreciated!
For the past month my computer has been really struggling.
It has a bunch of problems and I'm guessing it is because the computer is getting old (built almost 5 years ago, been used VERY actively over those years.)
(Mainly for gaming)
but I don't know which components are causing the problems. I would like to keep anything that works fine as they are quite high quality parts..
Or maybe it's related to my drivers, I have no clue. If so, how can I find the outdated/malfunctioning drivers?

I'll just list as many of my problems as I can think of:

-Windows will sometimes not boot at all. I start up the computer and my monitor and keyboard etc will light up, but absolutely nothing happens from there.

-Windows will often crash while booting. Sometimes before the log-on screen, sometimes during log-on and sometimes after logging on.
If I'm lucky enough to reach my desktop one or more of the following often happens.

-I reach my desktop but none of my shorcuts or anything will load. No startup programs load either.

-Sometimes after a while the desktop shortcuts will partially load in, but I am unable to click anything, no startup programs boot.

-The shortcuts sometimes all load in and my startup programs(steam, discord, software for keyboard/mouse etc) begin booting.
However after they have all started up they immediately crash (stop responding) and cause my entire system to freeze. I cannot open nor close any programs. Sometimes they respond after a bit of waiting and sometimes they don't.

-If I'm lucky and everything boots properly various programs randomly crash, very often games, which in turn freezes my entire system.
If I manage to close the crashing program the system often starts responding again.

Some other things that might mean something:
-Discord, which i alone keep on my second montor, is almost never affected by the crash.
I can interact and use discord normally and talk to friends in voice channels while
everything else is crashing.

-Most of the time when programs crash I am able to Win+Tab/Alt+Tab to attempt closing programs.
I cannot however interact with the taskbar at all and close programs that way.

-In the case of video games, the crash is often realted to the game not loading everything in, soft-locking me in the game.
(for example large portions of the in-game HUD will not load and I'm unable to navigate around within the game)
(attempting to tab out/close the game while this is happending crashes the game and my system afterwards)

Some programs/games that I feel crash more than others: Steam, Overwatch, PAYDAY 2, Task manager.
(not that I've tested that many programs)

My specs:
OS: Windows 10 x64-bit
Drives: 1 TB HDD + 250GB SSD (for windows+ a few other programs)
CPU: Intelcore i7-4790K @ 4GHz
GPU: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 970
Motherboard: ASUS Z97-A
PSU: Corsair CX500 (500W)
(All parts were bought and installed at the same time.)
(if there is anything more needed I will ofcourse add!)

I'm honestly just trying to find out where the problem is, so that way I can fix it.
Trying to monitor my GPU/CPU rarely works as the monitoring programs crash along with everything else...

Any help is GREATLY appreciated!! 😉
Unfortunately, the only way to confirm a bad psu is to replace it with a known good one.
The older CX versions like you have were not that reliable.
tier 4/5
You could change it out.

Since you seem to be stable enough to run memtest86, I think I would apply the latest bios which addresses stability issues first.
Your problems are likely software related.

But... a quick test of basic functioning would be to run memtest86.
It does not use windows.
You should be able to complete a full pass with NO errors.

Strange problems can be caused by a cheap or underpowered psu.
What is the make/model of your psu?

Are your drivers up to date? Particularly the graphics driver.

Do you do better if you remove the overclock and run at stock?

Is there possibly a motherboard bios update that corrects instability issues?
Do not flash the bios just on speculation.
A failed flash can be nasty to recover from.

My PSU is the Corsair CX500, which like the rest of my computer was bought and installed almost 5 years ago.
Like the name suggests it's a 500W PSU. As for the condition I'm not really sure? I think it's good...? As mentioned it's five years old but has not been giving me any evident trouble up until now...

Sorry for not getting back to you quicker!
In agreement with geofelt.

Use Reliability History to look for error codes and warnings.

Failing or otherwise weak PSUs are likely to create all kinds of errors.

Very much suspect that as your PSU has aged it has also been required to provide more power to the system.

May be at its limit and/or components are failing as they do over time with use and heat cycles.

Have you opened the case (power off and unplugged) to inspect inside, clean, and reseat components?

Just finished the memtest, ran without any errors.
The PSU is as mention in Ralston18's thread a 5 year old Corsair CX500 (500W)
Graphics drivers are up to date and enabled/disabled overclock makes no difference.

In regards to the BIOS update I am quite reluctant when it comes to considering a BIOS flash...
However according to ASUS support, there has been two BIOS updates that "Improved system stability."

But the way it currently looks the PSU is most likely the suspect.

Yeah the PSU is a very probable suspect at the moment.
I'll try doing a good round of cleaning inside anyways, but I'll look into getting a new PSU and seeing if that fixes things.
Unfortunately, the only way to confirm a bad psu is to replace it with a known good one.
The older CX versions like you have were not that reliable.
tier 4/5
You could change it out.

Since you seem to be stable enough to run memtest86, I think I would apply the latest bios which addresses stability issues first.