Help with first time build


Oct 17, 2016

I am starting to get into PC gaming and I don't have a clue about how to make a good gaming pc. :??: If anybody could provide me some info, that would be wonderful and greatly appreciated! :)

Some good things would be: what parts I'll need, what parts are good and which ones are crap, and what will I need and what will I need to know? And what else to watch out for/keep my eyes peeled for.

Also I would like some links to helpful websites. Any websites are helpful. Even websites with some basic info like how to put the whole thing together. 😀

And if you decide to find a case (which you don't have to! :lol:) The dimensions have to be these or under: 19 1/4 long x A little under 11 1/2 wide x 22 1/2 tall (This isn't necessary, but if you do find a case, [preferably black and red] make sure it has good cooling and also places to put cables for components.

Thanks for any info.

Kind regards,


There's alot to learn, and a lot of it requires experience.

The following is a good start, but no means a hard guide you should follow:

Building your own computer is easy. Building it takes 2-3 hours, and installing windows takes about 30mins to 45mins, and after that downloading and installing drivers takes another 30-45 mins. After all that, have it download windows updates at night, it may take a 2-4 passes to get them all.

Building a PC:
Installing Windows:

Protip for installing drivers safely, install them one at a time and restart the computer after each install to avoid breaking the OS, which can happen if you try to install them all at once.


So what are some good parts? Also what will I need? And what kinds of parts are there?