Hello. I recently built my first ever PC. I'm 14, with not all the money in the world keep in mind. My specs are i5-4690, a Gigabyte Anniversery H97 mobo, ( not gonna include ssd/hdd not relevant) and i have a gtx 960, and a corsair 600w power supply. Ever since i built the computer, I used to get these glitches, " Intel Graphics has stopped responding" ( before I had my graphics card) and now with it, I get the same error message. This leads me to think there is something wrong with the internals, and not an easy solution, I tried unplugging a few things from the power strip, that seemed to help a little. Any ideas/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
http://puu.sh/mEBBs.jpg here is an image of the issue.
http://puu.sh/mEBBs.jpg here is an image of the issue.