Help with In-Wall Ethernet Ports


Oct 16, 2016
I have ethernet ports in the walls around my house.

So pretty much I want to be able to connect my modem into an ethernet port with a cable and then use a cable to connect my PC into a ethernet port. After some research because it didn't work, I realized that I needed to do something with my ethernet cables or something that's in a closet, which I found here.

What do I do now with this giant mess that I found? I'm not very educated with this kind of thing so help is very appreciated :) I'll send further pics if needed.
Conceptually is very simple, your task is to find which cable goes into which room, picture shows they are LABELED!

Here is typical home network connection diagram, all these cabling you see are FROM CLOSET (blue box) TO ROOMS (yellow)


Do I just connect my router to a ethernet port on the wall next to it from the LAN port and then just connect ethernet cables from rooms onto the patch panel I sent earlier? What would I have to connect for the ethernet to split between the rooms connected? or is just plugging the router into the wall automatically split it into the ethernet ports connected to the panel in the comms box?
Also, the picture you sent doesn't show up.

Because if I were to connect the WAN port to the wall like many are saying, then what do I connect to the modem?