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I'd source a donor board off of Ebay(that's sold as for Parts-Only) and then replace the missing components. You could also contact NorthRidgeFix, they should have resistors in stock on their site.
The adjacent parts weren't marked, suggesting those aren't going to be either. Measuring a resistor in-circuit is very tricky and is highly likely to return incorrect values. I personally would never ask someone to take the part off of a perfectly good board to measure it, that's why the donor board is the best idea to get parts off of.Thanks for the answer but I looking for someone who has the same motherboard as mine.
To replace the resistors I need to know the resistente of the missing resistors and someone needs to mesure for me.
resistors don't just burn for no reason, chances are you'll replace them and they'll burn again. something down the line is most likely the case.
It looks like that, wish I could help, Try to get an enlarged view of the mother board where you can read the numbers or contact tech support. If your lucky their boss won't force you to buy another one but not helping. It's a real problem nowadays. If you think they did that to you, buy another identical board, get the resistor values and return it.There's no evidence of burning, or exploding on that board. There are, however, scratches, suggesting OP likely tore them off while mishandling something.