Help with SMART data

Yes. The things you have to worry about are

Reallocated sector counts (after about 500-1000 disk will slow down) These are sectors that went bad but it was able to recover the data and move it. If you have 500 reallocated sectors it is the same as having 500 bad sectors but because it recovered the data it won't show.

Pending Sector Count is sectors it is trying to get the data from. That move to either reallocated or uncorrectable.

Uncorrectable are bad sectors. One of these guys and whole system can be rended bootless.

honestly if the last two has even 1, get a new drive

if the reallocated has a few you should be ok keep an eye on it. once it gets 300-400 i would replace the drive.

So i tried running the seagate tests and they keep failing.

I ran a regular windows disk check and it passed, but it keeps failing at 10% on the short DST in Seatools. And multiple programs all say there is no problem with the smart data.

should i return it?