Help with system design, $2000 budget


Aug 4, 2013
So ... I'm looking to build a monster rig. I want raw, not overclocked power (since I do not know how to overclock properly). I've built many PC's, my problem is I don't keep up with all the components. Seems I'm only interested in such a thing when it comes time to do a new build every 2yrs-ish 😛

With that in mind, I'm looking for a definitive list of parts that will last me through the next 2-3 yrs. No need for a case, or any peripherals. Just the meat and potatoes.
The extreme is a bit ott 😛 4 way sli is a total waste, and the on board sound is worse 😀 The formula supports dual sli and has good sound 😉 plus it looks better 😀 and around $70 cheaper
CPU Intel Xeon E3-1230 V3 3.3GHz Quad-Core $243.48
CPU Cooler Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing $29.98
Motherboard MSI Z87-G45 Gaming ATX LGA1150 $134.99
Memory G.Skill Ripjaws X Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3-1866 $144.99
Storage Samsung 840 EVO 120GB 2.5" SSD $80.99
Storage Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM $56.98
Video Card Gigabyte Radeon R9 290X 4GB $549.99
Video Card Gigabyte Radeon R9 290X 4GB $549.99
Power Supply XFX 850W ATX12V / EPS12V $150.98
Optical Drive LG GH24NSB0 DVD/CD Writer $15.98
Total: $1958.35

i will say though, those are fairly long cards, 295mm, so make sure your case can hold them, if you are even putting them in a case.
GTX 780ti

Intel Core i7 4930k
(At Micro Center, CPU's are in store pickup only. If you can pick it up, bundle it with a motherboard, you will save a lot of cash!)

If you can't pick it up at Micro Center:

Get a lot of RAM (16GB should be good)
Again, at Micro Center, if you check the price of RAM every day, you will find an AMAZING deal (I got 32GB 1866MHz DDR3 RAM for $240). And you can have them ship RAM to your house.

The RAM I got (It was on sale for ($119.99 at the time):

Edit: I'm not like a Micro Center freak or anything. They just happened to have the cheapest prices on all these specific parts!

Edit: Also, on a $2000 build, SSD's are a must! I have a Samsung 840 Pro 256GB:
Haswell-e is coming out soon 8 core with DDR4 is worth waiting for. $2000 should be enough to get an 8 core with ddr4, but worse case scenario 6 cores go down in price. OH did I mention X99 chipset is way better than X79.

an 8-core haswell-e with 16gb ram on X99 With a 780ti should last for closer to 5 no problem.

I am still gaming on an i7-2600 @ 4.2 w/ an OC'd 680 w/16gb of ram @1600. My build is two years old and I max out windows experience index.

I was playing starcraft 2 and at one point (cut scene) I was getting 1,100+ FPS on ultra @1080P lol... and your rig will blow mine away!
Here's are some system choices that you may like:

Please critique any preferences and I'll update. As others have mentioned a new haswell edition is coming out with ddr4 so you may want to research release dates for that. This noted, any of these rigs will be good for at least 2 years before the industry changes enough where programmers and game developers are forced to completely change protocols for development towards hardware utilizing ddr4 tech etc. Also, I've selected overpowered psu's deliberately should you choose to go sli.

Why did you put the extreme 6 core for a thousand and not just the regular 600 dollar 6 core? Thats enough to buy another 780 lol!

How long do you think before X99 and the Haswell will be available? Just curious if I should wait
Yup Q3 or Q4. I would honestly wait, if you cant afford an 8 core, or the 6 cores should come down in price. Also Apps are becoming more multithreaded. Games I believe will be using more cores, because consoles with more cores are using X86. I bought my quad core with hyper threading a while back and do not regret it! Although I should've gotten it unlocked...
it is a lot cheaper. if you have the money, go for the maximus extreme. or, if you dont need this computer now, you can wait untill the new chips come out, but at the price it wouldnt be worth it. if you live by a microcenter, you can get a i7 4770k for $250 😀

I did that in case he wanted the very best regardless of price to performance ratio. I've listed much more cost effective solutions as well.

Personally, I think ASUS's ROG boards are mostly overpriced. You can usually find a very similarly optioned board for much cheaper. I have ASUS's Sabretooth for AMD's FX CPU's. It's very similar in specs to the Crosshair V Formula Z (that board is kind of like the Maximus Extreme for AMD). But the Sabretooth was like $90 cheaper (on sale).

However, the Maximus Extreme is a pretty awesome board. It's one of the few ROG boards where the extra you pay actually translates into a substantially better board. I can't really advise you against it, especially if you love its features.

Have a happy Easter, all!