Heritage of Kings - The Settlers Demo



Archived from groups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.strategic (More info?)

Just got the demo for this. Played the tutorial. Looks pretty nice.

Graphics are pretty damn nice. The voice acting and dialogue was pretty sad
but it wasn't distractingly bad. Some nice things about it are that you
don't have to keep workers busy, you just have to build the structure and
they come and then you build places for them to sleep and eat. But you can
still watch them working if you like surveying the results of your city

The one thing that seemed kind of boring was the combat. I mean it was just
move a bunch of guys over to bad guy and right click once and let them
start hacking away. Although the "hero" could use a power to improve the
strength of his men, that was kind of nice.

There are a lot of options you can control in the economy, like tax rates,
or making workers work overtime, etc. Of course you have to be careful not
to piss off your people too much or they leave. :)

The tech tree seemed pretty cool. Still don't know much about it but you
actually have scholars that research techs for you sort of like in a Civ
style game, and you can choose what they research.

Still way too early into this to make a recommendation, but it seems very
well crafted. I hope that the game was well balanced.

I might not would pick it up based on the fact that it's yet another Age of
Empires style genre, and I'm just, well, not all that thrilled about
watching civs grow anymore. Even if it is a well done one.

There was also something to do with diplomacy on the menu but the tutorial
didn't cover that in the demo.



The gene pool could use a little chlorine.


Archived from groups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.strategic (More info?)

"Knight37" wrote in message news:Xns960ADAF243FC4knight37m@
> Just got the demo for this. Played the tutorial. Looks pretty nice.

It looks like a bland 'me-too' RTS with the Settlers brand stapled to it.
This is *not* a Settlers game, and I'd hate anyone to buy it thinking it is.
Heritage of Kings is the new acme of franchise devaluation. Check out the
tidal-wave of disappointment on the official forum.


Archived from groups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.strategic (More info?)

"Sam Jones" <sam.j.jones@spamnull.logicacmg.com> once tried to test me

> "Knight37" wrote in message
> news:Xns960ADAF243FC4knight37m@
>> Just got the demo for this. Played the tutorial. Looks pretty nice.
> It looks like a bland 'me-too' RTS with the Settlers brand stapled to
> it. This is *not* a Settlers game, and I'd hate anyone to buy it
> thinking it is. Heritage of Kings is the new acme of franchise
> devaluation. Check out the tidal-wave of disappointment on the
> official forum.

I never liked the Settlers games. ;)



The gene pool could use a little chlorine.