Hey im asking for a word of advice...


Aug 19, 2015
Hi guys I just wanna ask a Rather simple question upon building a tower for a friend.. So I wanna keep the budget as low as possible, So the real question is that im lacking performance on the tower cause most of the stuff isnt really modern parts anymore but the gpu is abit more beaffy to make up for most of the loss but stil isnt enough to get stable frames in gaming like gta v even set to lowest or highest settings ( Same amount of Lag on high and low) so since im on a Rather low budget I would kindly ask u guys what will add up the most performance in gaming or what will boost fps and stability in game so il list the specs below ( Try not to laugh XD!!! )


Processor: Intel Pentium G630 @ 2.70GHz
Ram: 4 Gig corsair
OS: Windows 10 Pro
system Type: 64-Bit
Gpu: Asus Gtx 660 OC Edition
Psu: 350Wat and gpu min is 550Wats Lol..!!

Feel free to ask any further questions and I woukd love to hear from u guys soon..

Thanks in Regards
you want 8GB RAM, that will get you the most improvement for the money, also slap a cooler on the CPU and overclock it (if you can overclock those pentiums)

you'll prob need to get a better PSU as well, if its not putting out enough watts the PC will just turn off instantly as soon as the game gets going, or youll get weird crashes.

He cannot overclock the pentium..

Also, a better CPU would get him WAY more improvements in a CPU heavy game like GTAV than adding more RAM.

so since im on a Rather low budget

I know a CPU will get more improvements, but the OP stated the budget was low, otherwise I'd just recommend a new build!
GTA5 is single threaded and cpu limited.
Your observation of similar performance between low and high graphics settings confirms this.
The passmark rating of a G630 is 2391.
On a lga1155 motherboard, the strongest dual core you can use would be the G2140 with a passmark rating of 3436.
If you can find one on ebay or such, that would help.
A I3-3250@3.5 is about as good as you can do with your motherboard, but they will be $100+

If gta5 is the only game, then a G3258 with a modest overclock to 4.0 or better would be optimum.
That is $70 for the cpu and perhaps $60 for a motherboard.

Do an experiment:
remove one core. You can do this in the windows msconfig boot advanced options option. set the number of processors to one.
This will tell you how sensitive your game is to the benefits of dual cores.