High alert in U.S. after suspicious packages found in UK

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That's just it, you can't stop these things froms happening, no amount of security checks and measures will ever stop these things from happening. Not saying don't try, but just don't try to the extent that it affects the ordinary person.

sans kilt, the Scottish military unleashes its secret weapon against terrorism
Isnt it funny how people who want a larger government, want higher taxes, hate corporations, and want a redistribution of wealth for all peoples are the ones doubting terrorism, its abilities, and how we should call it, name it, and to whom its responsible in the first place?
Maybe they need to look and see who has power and control over them?

Its not as if we wouldnt have to protect ourselves, and also, if something horrible was to happen right after we relax our abilities to defend ourselves, those very people would turn on their masters
I am just glad nobody got hurt.

PETN is a nasty (but very stable) commercial explosive most often used as a primer charge (with a suitable det) to ensure slower VoD (but very gaseous) slurry explosives detonate properly ... shifting plenty of rock / material.

It has a VoD of around 7000 to 7500 ms as opposed to Gely (3500) based products and slower slurries (ANFO) 2500ms.

Basically the same as military grade slabs ... though doesn't often ship in KG lots - mostly 30 - 450 gm booster charges or in detonator cord (10gms per metre) or shear cord (40gms per metre).

I am glad they got caught.

ICI or Dupont still made a dollar nevertheless.

So ETA who are basically fighting a civil war for freedom of their own homeland should be a US target too?

By that judgement and current US standards anybody who ever game money to Shin Fien in the past should be extradited to the UK to face prosecution. Don't come back with any USA is a special case bollox, it's that sort of Hippocratic stance that created so much of the mess we have today.
No, what Im saying is, killing innocencts is very wrong, no matter who you are, or what your cause
Not hard to figure
These individuals are selfish, at the highest levels

To deny or sympathize isnt in the mindset of the victims

What in the name of all things terrorist has this got to do with anything, even trying to take the piss out of a scotts man?

The first link is about a company recycling lost property on a bus - something I can only assume those supper smart arse septics never experience as their property was seized by the security officer when they were at the fully body scanner before boarding the bus in the first case? That or on finding a lost item they just nuke the bus from orbit to be on the safe side perhaps?

As for the second link what new low would that be? The UK underwent deregulation of almost all markets back in the days of the Iron Lady. Most of the country is now served by Stagecoach who have monopolised the market and forced out the remaining municipals and independents by undercutting them, only to subsequently hike up fairs by as much as 100% in some cases. They are also apparently a lovely bunch of people to work for and have never ever been up in court for breach of various employment laws. A lovely example of capitalism in a non regulated environment making life better for all?


And the USA came to be how exactly?
Ever heard of the tea party?
Taxation without representation?
No right to vote
Slaved to taxes
England blew it, abd used the US population
Red coats werent innocent, nor was sunday bloody sunday

So, the ETA wants Spain back?
They cant vote their ways into appeasement?
They cant elect thro democracy?

Sorry, killing innocents wont work
The red coats, indians and hessians England payed for werent innocent, just incopetent
Maybe the rest of the world doesnt understand the US, and no, this isnt a US is different concerning a special case, we just bring our guns
Ever notice that?
Not as in a threat, or threatening, just the facts
Dont mess with Texas exrends to our borders when it comes to foreign ideals, insane or not, as in killing innocents, or, a country hiring thugs to make sure we pay taxes without the simple right to vote
The US wasnt a bunch of mamby pambies, sitting back in society
We all took our chances to get here, and is why the illegal alien problem is such a problem, cause deep down, we can all relate
We entered into a wild country, thru security, society, developement to the wind

We were the explorers, a whole nation, not just the ones we read about
Why are westerns such good movies?
It exemplifies this ethic, which some all over the world identify with
Thats America

Thats when people relied upon their neighbor for survival
Where you HAD to know him, rely upon him, honor him

Not a country where people throw their garbage in others trash cans, thereby avoiding throwing away too much garbage, and thus, being overcharged, and again, is why weve started to reject Obamism
I'll add this
Since the rest of the world is either divided into those that protest/kill, and those that have to follow their governement and finally, those thats placed their governements soo high, and look to it for rules, regulations, nurturing etc etrc, we here have to change our ways, and no, so far, we arent resentful, but read this link, and how our government reflects our attitudes, and how, as I said, we will have to change them, because of what I said here

A special thanks for the drivvle you added to the thread. Keep us updated. It is always interesting to hear from a commoner relating important messages from Mars.

Edit for forgetting to slap the Queen to the floor.
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