High cpu usage and low gpu usage in bf4


Oct 18, 2014
Ok, so a few months ago i upgraded my gpu to a r9 270x. However my in game performance(BF4 and BF3) is pretty much the same. What was worrying me was that my cpu usage was 90% most of the time and my gpu was only at 30-40%. My gpu should be able to play both titles at high to ultra settings @ 1080p yet it can barely handle low 720p at 60fps on a 64p server. Could this be my mobo throtteling my cpu ? my cpu bottlenecking my whole system or a bad gpu?
MOBO gigabyte 78lmt-usb3
CPU FX 4100 no oc
GPU MSI r9 270x
8gb crucial sport 1600mhz( running at 1333mhz)
1tb hdd
500w evga psu
You will be happy with the 8320 at stock speeds, especially coming from a 4100. Then in the future when you get a new motherboard and can play with overclocking you will be even more happy. Most games are certainly enjoyable on an 8320 even without an overclock, and since your expectations for resolution and frame rates aren't ridiculous I think you will be pleased as punch.
lol cpu not good enough for the gpu that gpu is about the same as a gtx 660 , by the way the cpu may be throttling due to tempretures check tempretures in the bios and see if they are normal if its high then reappply the thermal paste also if you have low temps overclock a little see if your performance increases also if you plan to upgrade dont get an amd chi just get an i5 they are beast
no, it's your cpu bottlenecking your game. in order to get the type of fps you want on a 64 person server you'll need a piledriver cpu overclocked up around 4.4-4.7ghz to play it smoothly.

bulldozer is a decided step down and with no overclock i'm afraid it's got zero chance to work.

that sentence is the only thing wrong with this post. the r9-270x actually does a little better in games then the gtx760... which is a significant jump over the gtx660.

otherwise this poster is mostly right.

still the cheapest solution would be to pop a piledriver cpu into that motherboard and overclock it.

well, i was thinking of getting the fx 8320, its pretty cheap and i could oc it in the future. Do u think that would work with my mobo although i would need to upgrade the mobo when i do oc

Well your motherboard does support 125W cpus... but with a 4+1 phase design, it's probably not robust enough to handle overclocking an 8 core.

with good airflow you're probably better off with a fx6300.

Hhhmmm, i would prefer the 8 core tbh. I wouldnt oc it on my current board anyways. I would probably upgrade to the 970a ud3p in the future
exactly that chip wont have a huge diff from that chip and what he has so its new mobo and cpu time meaning just get an i5 its better performance for gaming , although im not saying your cpu is rubbish its just that well games are really not that well optimised for multi cores so going from a 4 core to a 6 core wont make much of a difference since most if not all games use 4 cores max no one uses 6 or 8 cores , and you have a 4 core all amd do is add more cores and have higher clock speeds where as intel have more performance per core meaning better game frame rates

I know but a fx 8320 is £ 50 less then a basic i5. I just cant afford intel tbh. And seeing as the fx 6300 would be good enough for a r9 270x, i dont see a problem with the fx 8320
You will be happy with the 8320 at stock speeds, especially coming from a 4100. Then in the future when you get a new motherboard and can play with overclocking you will be even more happy. Most games are certainly enjoyable on an 8320 even without an overclock, and since your expectations for resolution and frame rates aren't ridiculous I think you will be pleased as punch.

Thanks for clearing that up. I would honestly love to get a i5 but i just cannot afford it so it looks like i'm sticking to amd :)
Hey man, AMD gets the job done. Sure the i5 is the best but you can play games all day on AMD, that's why Microsoft and Sony use AMD in their consoles. Because it costs less and works. If you wanted to go Intel on a budget here is an option, no overclocking but you still get the Intel i5 performance. I personally would stick with AMD cause overclocking and 8 cores are fun lol, but here is your boring intel option 😛


In the end it will work out to the same price as a capable AM3+ mobo, 8320 and a Cooler Master 212 EVO