[SOLVED] High CPU usage in Rainbow Six Siege and Stutters (CPU Bottleneck)

Jan 24, 2019
Recently I bought a new screen (Asus VG278) and ever since then I have been having constant issues with lag. My FPS is completely fine varying from 150-220 but I seem to have stutters happening all the time.

PC Specs

CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 2600X
GPU: Gigabyte Geforce RTX 2080 Gaming OC 8G
Motherboard: Prime B350M-A
OS: Windows 10 Pro

Yeah probably is fine. I'm being overly technical here but worth exploring just in case there are memory performance issues rather than incompatibilities.

I'm not sure which of your memory is placed where so i'll try to explain how this works.

From your manual;

You may install varying memory sizes in Channel A and Channel B. The system
maps the total size of the lower-sized channel for the dual-channel configuration. Any
excess memory from the higher-sized channel is then mapped for single-channel

I'm using this picture as an example because memory placement is the same for all boards.

Half of that 16GB is running single channel. Whether that's an issue im not sure but...
Are these stutters happening only for on-line games?

YOur frame rate might be overwhelming whatever server or even your internet connection's bandwidth...

See if framerates are fine offline, if so, increase your res and details to max/ultra, and/or try capping your framerate to 60 -90 fps online, and, check for improvements...

So far it only has been happening on rainbow six online matches, I capped my FPS to 144hz since it's what I mainly use.
I've been using really low settings to see if it'd fix it but nothing has worked my cpu just keeps on bottlenecking and I get lag but my FPS is completely fine.

40 Gigabytes of ram? That is a really odd number. You should only be using matched sticks in pairs and you can't be with that odd number.

I also mix my RAM and have not had any problems... Maybe I've just been lucky enough to not have any problems but that should not cause stutters.

Go into the settings and click default settings, with new monitors a more efficient graphical setup may be needed. If changing your settings does not work try and limit the amount of video memory you are using by changing anti-aliasing methods and turning down supersampling

It's what I did except it just doesn't make sense to me that I'd have to lower to T-AA sampling with a 2080 and recent gen processor, I got this PC to be able to run the game well and now it barely runs either ways. It bottlenecks the CPU and doesnt use the GPU enough.

It's 3 8 GB HyperX DDR4 and 1 16 HyperX DDr4 the 16 runs at a few MHz more but I don't think it's the main issue as my ram's been working fine
Yeah probably is fine. I'm being overly technical here but worth exploring just in case there are memory performance issues rather than incompatibilities.

I'm not sure which of your memory is placed where so i'll try to explain how this works.

From your manual;

You may install varying memory sizes in Channel A and Channel B. The system
maps the total size of the lower-sized channel for the dual-channel configuration. Any
excess memory from the higher-sized channel is then mapped for single-channel

I'm using this picture as an example because memory placement is the same for all boards.

Half of that 16GB is running single channel. Whether that's an issue im not sure but knowing Ryzen thrives on memory bandwidth it's possible performance isn't at it's best.

If i had the same memory, i'd try have the memory placed like this. You may have it like this already.

A1 (first slot) 8GB
A2 (second) 8GB
B1 (Third) 8GB
B2 (forth) 16GB

Similar to Intel's flex mode; https://www.intel.com.au/content/www/au/en/support/articles/000005657/boards-and-kits.html#flex


Asus doesn't specify for the Prime B350M-A mobo where varying sizes should go, so it might not even matter where the 16GB is put. Seeing Intel does it a specific way, might want to give it ago if your memory aren't populated like that.


See which dual channel mode it's in with all memory sticks using Cpuz https://www.cpuid.com/softwares/cpu-z.html

Under memory tab check;

Channel # Should be Dual
DC mode symmetric or asymmetric. Should be asymmetric with different size memory combination. Symmetric is when all memory sticks are the same size.

If you haven't used Cpuz before it looks like this;


Other tabs show various other stuff. Memory tab shows channel mode etc. Also in the memory tab shows Dram Frequency. This program reads memory as single data rate so don't freak out if its like half the speed you're used to. Thats normal, just times it by two.


Could try only 2x 8GB in A2 B2 slots and see if things improve?


If not memory at all, check task manager for anything taking away system resources. Under processes tab click cpu header to assort highest to lowest so the processes using the most are brought to top for easier investigating. Do the same for memory. If any process is using a lot, google that process to get an idea if its trouble or not.

Another suggestion is to look at startup items in msconfig and narrow them down. Type msconfig in start bar, go to startup tab where there's a list of apps that load after Windows and see if anything there is causing trouble. Can unselecet them all see if things improve, then slowly & tediously check one by one.