Hey guys. Yesterday I've installed a fresh Windows 7 and the problems started to show up. If I just watch a video on YouTube the cpu usage is going at least to 80%, and this never happened before I reinstalled my Windows. I can't even play Agar.io, the game is dropping a lot of frames. I saw someone who had this problem because the CPU fan wasn't working anymore but I looked inside the case and both the fans are working, the cpu one and the source one too. In Task Manager, I only have chrome.exe, avast, csrss.exe, dwm.exe, explorer.exe, taskhost.exe, taskmgr.exe, unsecapp.exe, VDeck.exe, winlogon.exe and only Chrome uses alot of CPU when I'm doing something like watching a video, surfing the net etc. I've tried to use Mozilla but I got the same results. What should I do? Reinstalling the Windows again would be a solution ?