Hi there, I've been experiencing some issues with my PC and I'm not too sure how to figure it out myself so I came here for help.
Ryzen 5 3600
Corsair Hydro H100i RGB Platinum Se AIO cooler
Corsair CX650M PSU 650W
I have experienced some issues with this PC...despite the amount of times I freshly installed windows 10, however currently my issues are:
I cant run games with ray tracing on max settings, they just stutter and make my whole system lag...for example the Witcher 3.
I tried playing Spider-man Remastered on max settings and it was fine for a bit and then I could tell a lag in my system from my other monitor stuttering (wall paper engine - effects were stuttering) and my game was running but I was getting random drop frames and it was very jittery.
Similar for Red Dead Redemption Online, on max settings with Ray tracing my game is hella stuttery and it makes my whole system stutter including other applications. Perhaps that happened in RDR as I tried turning Anti Aliasing to max...but because of similar issues throughout all games I never play with ray tracing on which sucks as that is what my GPU is advertised to do...
IMGUR - Device Manager, Issue Device - I also have this which I am unsure about, but it's error:
PCI Encryption/Decryption Controller PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1486&SUBSYS_87C01043&REV_00\4&14393665&0&0141 The drivers for this device are not installed.
and im not sure what drivers they are...PCI im assuming GPU but they are installed...
What has happened to my computer that could perhaps contribute to these issues:
- I have upgraded to windows 11 and eventually downgraded after the grace period to Windows 10 Pro again
- I have completely disconnected all devices from my motherboard and cables and reconnected them when sorting out cable management so I'm very sure everything inside is intact
- In bios, my RAM Sticks by default run at 2166Mhz, but I turned it upto 3200MHZ without doing anything else. I'm unsure how to turn on XMP on my motherboard or if that is even an option on my motherboard. I left power control on AUTO.
I haven't updated my CPU chipset in a bit and will look if I have a new GPU update and Bios update and try those...but those havent worked in the past.
When looking at system drivers, I have a few critical ones and that may be rat out the issue:
Ones that read Error Control - Critical:
MS ACPI Driver
MS ACPIEx Driver
IDE Channel
Common Log CLFS
File crypt
MS Standard NVM Express Driver
Volume Driver
Volume Manger Driver
...and a few others, only Kernel Drivers
Ryzen 5 3600
Corsair Hydro H100i RGB Platinum Se AIO cooler
Corsair CX650M PSU 650W
I have experienced some issues with this PC...despite the amount of times I freshly installed windows 10, however currently my issues are:
I cant run games with ray tracing on max settings, they just stutter and make my whole system lag...for example the Witcher 3.
I tried playing Spider-man Remastered on max settings and it was fine for a bit and then I could tell a lag in my system from my other monitor stuttering (wall paper engine - effects were stuttering) and my game was running but I was getting random drop frames and it was very jittery.
Similar for Red Dead Redemption Online, on max settings with Ray tracing my game is hella stuttery and it makes my whole system stutter including other applications. Perhaps that happened in RDR as I tried turning Anti Aliasing to max...but because of similar issues throughout all games I never play with ray tracing on which sucks as that is what my GPU is advertised to do...
IMGUR - Device Manager, Issue Device - I also have this which I am unsure about, but it's error:
PCI Encryption/Decryption Controller PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1486&SUBSYS_87C01043&REV_00\4&14393665&0&0141 The drivers for this device are not installed.
and im not sure what drivers they are...PCI im assuming GPU but they are installed...
What has happened to my computer that could perhaps contribute to these issues:
- I have upgraded to windows 11 and eventually downgraded after the grace period to Windows 10 Pro again
- I have completely disconnected all devices from my motherboard and cables and reconnected them when sorting out cable management so I'm very sure everything inside is intact
- In bios, my RAM Sticks by default run at 2166Mhz, but I turned it upto 3200MHZ without doing anything else. I'm unsure how to turn on XMP on my motherboard or if that is even an option on my motherboard. I left power control on AUTO.
I haven't updated my CPU chipset in a bit and will look if I have a new GPU update and Bios update and try those...but those havent worked in the past.
When looking at system drivers, I have a few critical ones and that may be rat out the issue:
Ones that read Error Control - Critical:
MS ACPI Driver
MS ACPIEx Driver
IDE Channel
Common Log CLFS
File crypt
MS Standard NVM Express Driver
Volume Driver
Volume Manger Driver
...and a few others, only Kernel Drivers
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