High FPS ( +90 ) With 144hz monitor, But its feels laggy like 35fps.

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Aug 21, 2018
Hello, I always get +80FPS on Fortnite ( Highest Settings ) , With my GTX 1060 3GB , And i7-8700k overclocked to 5Ghz, i do have 144hz montior, my problem is when i play fortnite on 70-95fps its feels like 30fps , i don't know why, When i change the settings to low i get over 200fps and its feels like 144hz, but when i back it to maximum settings its feels like 30fps when i play on 70-95fps , I tried V-Sync on and off, i tried reinstalling my windows, What's the fix that's really annoying, and the temp are good CPU temp is like 70 on maximum load, and gpu temp is good too what to do?

And by the way its not playable, its really feels like 30fps its not because i use 144hz now and i see 80fps laggy, no its really not playable.

I use XL2411 BenQ Monitor ( 144hz )
gtx 1060 3gb
16gb ram
750w bronze psu
but i saw my cable management is horrible look
Other than enabling my OCD 🙂lol:) and blocking aiflow, doesn't affect performance at all. Your PSU seems to have detachable cables. Remove the ones you don't need. I keep them in my drawer. Cable management would make a good project for you.
Seems like HyperX FURY. Overclockable RAMs instead of overclocked ones. Enable XMP from BIOS. You're running at 2133MHz instead 2400MHz. Manual RAM OC should be your next project when you're bored.
While we're at it. Learn GPU OC too
I'm going be gone for the next half day as it's past midnight here. Good Luck.

BTW, create a thread when you decide to upgrade. You have too many inconsistencies in your build. Like the 700W PSU.

Well, thank you so much i did the XMP but the Ram hz still 2133 idk why, And the problem still persist, but i will try to figure out how can i get that 2400hz, anyways i just bought my 750w bronze psu for 150$ from a local stores, he told me that's good etc so i got it, what should i upgrade next?, i will upgrade to gtx 1080ti, should i upgrade something else?

Ohh i just figure out that's my rams its not the same, so can't i do xmp for them? , and give me a min i will find it now

I didn't found it, i just found this: https://prnt.sc/ktcaw4
And i found something called " Game Try It " is that it?


I just found something called Command Rate and its set to 2,
Nothing else

Lol np, i changed it to 1, and i changed the other thing to 280, now what

Yo that's better than before, but my exact problem still not fixed , i feel 35fps when its 80-90fps

Hmm, When i move the screen its stuttering and feels annoying, and when i move the screen i see 80fps like 30fps , I thought that's because i played in 144hz for a while and then i back to 80, but i decided to make sure of that, by seeing a 60fps video, I go to youtube, and then i watched some 60hz video it was more more smoother than what i see in game with 80fps