So I bought a new router because I thought my old nighthawk was at it's end because while playing games out of nowhere my ping would shoot up over 700ms. I unplugged the router and went from my cable modem straight to my pc and the ping was back to it's normal latency. So i bought the RAX 200 and it's having the same issues. I called my ISP and they came out and switched modems and still had the same issue. I noticed that it happens when I play games or stream netflix it will start having issues but once I stop and close the application my ping will stabalize. I have contacted netgear support and for almost an hour they just kept asking me the same question just in a different way. I honestly don't know what to do at this point. I've reset my router to factory settings multiple times. I've rolled back the Firmware and still nothing is working. Any help would be most appriciated.