I've always been told that you can build a PC for cheaper than it costs to buy one but when I look up all the relevant parts it seems like it actually cheaper to just buy a pre-built tower. Am I missing something?
I can get a pre-built with an RTX 2060 S and an i7 10700KF for under $1,500.
An RTX 2060 S is over $800 by itself if I buy it separately. Throw in the CPU, MB, case etc and building that rig myself is much more expensive than buying pre-built.
So how is it cheaper to build than buy?
I can get a pre-built with an RTX 2060 S and an i7 10700KF for under $1,500.
An RTX 2060 S is over $800 by itself if I buy it separately. Throw in the CPU, MB, case etc and building that rig myself is much more expensive than buying pre-built.
So how is it cheaper to build than buy?