Suddenly I my ram usage is around 7gig. I have a total of 8gig. I dont have any programs on startup, 95% sure I dont have any viruses because I dont click anything fishy. These are the only processes running right now. http://gyazo.com/7e6360c8c2cd5c19963ef28ab0f34691
Edit: I just saw I might have some viruses but Malwarebytes cant find any...
http://gyazo.com/6146ca58b036c1ed9a5c9609db6a1f3e Help would be awesome! Thanks in advance.
Suddenly I my ram usage is around 7gig. I have a total of 8gig. I dont have any programs on startup, 95% sure I dont have any viruses because I dont click anything fishy. These are the only processes running right now. http://gyazo.com/7e6360c8c2cd5c19963ef28ab0f34691
Edit: I just saw I might have some viruses but Malwarebytes cant find any...
http://gyazo.com/6146ca58b036c1ed9a5c9609db6a1f3e Help would be awesome! Thanks in advance.