High Temp When Gaming / Out of Range Signal?


Aug 21, 2015
Hello everyone, I'm not quite sure what area to post this.

This is for my friend, I'm helping him fix his rig, however I have never seen this problem before.

He is using an EVGA x58 FTW3 MoBo with a core i5 (can't remember which model).

Anyways his old 460 GTX failed, so about a month ago I replaced it for him with a 970 GTX, and we had no issues with it (I'm over at his house gaming a lot).

However recently about a week ago, he has started having issues. Now I'm almost positive it has nothing to do with GPU, just wanted to give some insight.

Anyways, there are two issues:

1. The temperature on the motherboard reads ungodly hot, we're talking as high as 80 C when playing games. The fans also run at an RPM that is way too high. Now obviously that's dangerous so I told him not to game or do anything intensive until we can get this figured out. However, it also runs fairly hot just on idle at the desktop.


2. Only when he plays a game, and only sometimes, the monitor will black out and say "Out of Range". Now he hasn't changed any settings or anything since I installed the 970 for him. We've been playing the same games without a hitch up until a week ago. And as he's saying, it can happen every time as soon as the game starts, or he can play for a bit then it happens.

I'm figuring that the CPU is overheating obviously. And he's got water cooling, so I'm wondering if the fluid needs replaced, or if the pump is bad, block is cracked, hell I have no clue.

Could anyone give me some ideas on what would be the most effective way to fix this issue? He doesn't mind going out and shelling out some cash but he'd like to avoid spending a ton of money if possible.
Hi 'RelentlessOhio'
I'm not an expert in water cooling but you might check to see if vibration from the coolant pump may have loosened the CPU water block preventing good contact with the CPU. Another problem area may be that the coolant pump is not working or is not working as it should. In an extremely rare case, one of the radiator tubes may have become blocked, not allowing the coolant to flow freely through the radiator. Hope this helps.