High temps with a nzxt kraken x62 cpu cooler


Mar 2, 2017

So i bought a kraken x62 and the temps were really high so returned it and got a new one. Got the new one today and installed it and again got high temps but something is really strange and i can't think of a fix.

So i just upgraded to a ryzen 7 2700x,asus x470-f mobo and 16gb of trident z 3600mhz ram. I also got a msi 970 and when i installed everything firstly, i got lower fps than before on my other parts (i7 4790k,16gb ddr4 ram, asus z-97k). So i was onto a friend and he just said your gpu is bottlenecking and i can understand that so thats not problem.

Now with the temps, they were very high on all coolers i tested. I used a nzxt kraken m22, kraken x62 and the stock cooler and all very high temps on idle (jumps from 40-70c). So now what i found out was if i changed my power plan in windows to 'power saver' it drops the temps and now while im typing this its at 37degrees celcius. I think this is good. However sometimes it just jumps to maybe 60 or lower and then slowly drops back down. This is all still when im on idle just browsing google or something. If i change to amd ryzen balance or recommended in that power plan the temps jump to aleast 50 + .

So i think its because of the gpu but i dont know why this would change the cpu temps. I'm only new to building pc's so don't know a lot. Please help me down below. Was thinking of getting a new gpu, trying it out and then see if that fixes the problem.
Not sure why you would want an older generation i7, unless you're just worried about price.

Other than that, unless you're future GPU is going to be a 1080 Ti or better, you're unlikely to see the massive performance difference most Intel fans claim exists between a 2700X and even an 8700k CPU. Most GPUs are still quite capable of being the bottleneck in the system when playing games, unless you turn down settings or run at 1080p or lower resolutions.

If you have buyer's remorse for going with an AMD build, I'm not really sure I can help you with that.
A new GPU wouldn't be of any help. This is definitely a processor issue, as I am experiencing THE VERY SAME phenomenon. What utilities are you using to monitor your temps? What temps do you end up getting when gaming? The loss in FPS could be due to thermal throttling, but I can't be certain without further details.


Mar 2, 2017
I use the nzxt cam app. When i was playing fortntie the gpu went to about 72 which never happened on the other build. It got to a max of 67 degrees c but that is okay as i do have a radiator in the front now. I still can get a replacement on the processor ? Would that be any good ?

Don't spend much time with AIO coolers myself, but if it's variable, what pump speed are you running? In my experience this can make as much difference as airflow through the radiator.

The Kraken M22 is probably under rated for use with a 2700X, unless you run the cooler at it's maximum, which most folks don't want to do for noise reasons.


Mar 2, 2017
No, now im currently using the x62 but tried the ryzen 7 2700x stock cooler and the m22 and all still had high temps. Now running at low power mode and on idle i see this in the cam app.

Fab Speed 28%
fan rpm: 430
liquid temp: 36c
pump rpm 2300

Fan RPM of 430? That is absurdly low, if true. No fan is going to perform well at such a low RPM, especially trying to force air through a radiator.

Can't say about the pump RPM as I don't know what your options are there.

I would say, for the purposes of testing, run the fans and pump as fast as you can so you can see to what extent your unit is even capable of cooling the CPU by.

Once you know the maximum cooling you're going to get with that cooler (provided things are properly installed), you can start dialing back fan speeds until you find the balance between enough cooling and noise levels you're willing to live with.

If your AIO at max isn't giving you satisfactory results, I suspect you're having other issues, such as mounting or thermal interface, or maybe even incorrect UEFI or settings for the CPU, or a defective AIO. It's not unheard of for the pump to be problematic on that model cooler, but it does sound like your pump is working, so probably not a defective pump, but I still wouldn't rule it out until tested.

Also, keep in mind that water cooling is still air cooling, and unless you have a device to chill the water, will never get you better than some Delta T° over the ambient temperature of the operating environment. If the room the system is in happens to be really hot, your cooling system will be able to reduce the temperature of the CPU only to, well, some temperature above really hot.


Mar 2, 2017
Would I change these speeds in the bios ? Will I just put it on full speed then there ?



Mar 2, 2017
well i use the nzxt cam app but i dont think i can change it there?

Doing some looking around online, apparently there are multiple versions of the CAM app.

In version 2 there should be a Change Mode button that lets you pick other performance modes, and also define a custom profile. I would start testing by first setting it to custom profile and setting both the fan and pump speeds to max.

Of course, if your fans and pump are plugged directly into the motherboard, rather than however the unit normally connects them, you may have to go through your UEFI to manually change their speeds.

From what I'm seeing online, I'm going to assume your pump is running in silent mode based on it's RPMs, same as with your fans.


Mar 2, 2017
Thanks for that. I found where it is and put it on max and omg is it loud ... Still the cpu temps are 50-60c on idle... What could this mean then ?

This means something appears to be wrong, but it still may not be.

Under somewhat average conditions, that is not a normal idle temp for that CPU, and it would appear especially high based on the capacity of the cooler you're using.

My first impression would be either your cooler isn't working, due to a malfunction of the cooler or because you've incorrectly mounted it, or I would suspect that the CPU could be running out of spec, maybe due to bad settings in UEFI.

Have you done any overclocking or changed much in the way of settings in UEFI?

Have you verified that all of the fans on the radiator are properly installed? Are they all facing the same direction? Yes, it happens that people can install radiator fans in opposing directions, causing them to work against each other.

One other point to mention, since I forgot until now. The 2700X has a 10°C temperature offset so when reading Tctl, it will be 10°C above Tdie. I have no idea which temperature your Cam software is reporting, but you should be looking at Tdie for the correct, non-offset temperature.

It would be worth downloading and running HWiNFO to look at both Tctl and Tdie temperatures for your CPU and to remove the ambiguity of whether you're even looking at an accurate CPU temperature with your NZXT software. I have used Corsair's software, and it does not accurately report the temps on a 2700X, so it's entirely possible that the Cam software you're using is similarly bugged.
Next thing to consider is the temperature of the room your computer is in. If the room is 40°C, then you will probably never see an idle temperature lower than the mid 40's. Even better, if your Cam software is reporting with the offset, you'll see 10° + Delta T° above ambient, so if your room was say 35°C, your temp + offset could actually read around 50°C.

Any chance you know the ambient temperature (how hot the room is)?


Mar 2, 2017
Actually have no idea. I'm from ireland and we have had a heat wave ( like 20c+) which may not be a lot but good for us for some time now ;) I doubt thats the problem but i have the windows open and a fan constantly on



Mar 2, 2017
I knew that the temps weren't normal. This is my second nzxt kraken x62 cooler so highly doubt its faulty. Also im 99% sure its on right & secured. Even with the other one was still getting these temps. The only thing that I dont get is the power option thing. Like now im on amd ryzen balance and getting 60c. While when i switch to power saver it drops down to around 35 and goes to about 60+ in games ( it was fortnite when it was like that)

Its starting to really annoy me as i seriously have no idea. I can always refund and go with an intel 8700k or 7700k as i prefair intel but idk what to do now i really need help

I can only assume that your x62 came with the AM4 mounting bracket.

60°C in games doesn't sound too bad.

Have you verified which temperature you're reading yet?

With Ryzen+, you actually don't want to use the Ryzen power plan. Performance is better on the regular Balanced power plan, so the stock Balanced plan is the correct one to be using with Ryzen+, unless you need a feature of the High performance or Power saver plan.

What is the CPU usage and clock speeds when idle?

What is the core voltage, both max and min?

What is the power usage of the cores?

These are things you'll get from HWiNFO, and can help in pinpointing if something is running outside of what it should be.


Mar 2, 2017
well thats just minimum ;) Check for yourself. Its a lot warmer



Mar 2, 2017
I've got the thing saved but has alot of info and can't paste it here. How can i show u?

Other than a screen shot of the pertinent info, you can click the Logging Start button at the bottom of the HWiNFO program, which looks like a little spreadsheet with a green plus mark on it. It will ask you where you want to save the .CSV file. That can be opened in a spreadsheet program.

Once you've logged some results for perhaps a minute or less, you can use http://www.tinyupload.com/ to upload your .CSV file and post a link here.


Mar 2, 2017
I have no idea how to do that sorry :(



Mar 2, 2017
typed up on google and found this site straight away. Heres a link. Seems sketchy but looks fine. https://ufile.io/ucchb . You know any other sites?

That works!

Any chance you can scroll to the section in HWiNFO that says CPU [#0]: AMD Ryzen 7 2700X: Enhanced and take a shot of that section? It will have your CPU temps and overall voltages.

Right away, your per core voltages look high, making me suspect your cores are doing some work or not being allowed to spool down correctly and enter low power states.