Any financial transaction system that needs public confidence in it's transaction ledger is ultimately fatally flawed on creation. There should NEVER be a need to establish confidence in one's transaction ledger / log . That requirement should NEVER exist. Can't imagine VISA or MC asking for the public's help to ensure their DB is sound and accurate. Especially for a system designed to not have reversible transactions in case the whole thing does go up in a sorry storm corruption of that ledger. At least China is protecting their people from this. One should always be suspicious of something not taken credit for by any creator - for all folks know this is / was / are bait systems to flush out illegal money laundering - as evidenced by how fast the NSA / FBI jumped on the Bitcoin transaction for the ransomware recently. The agencies top priority was to break AES 256 as far back as 2014 and it doesn't take them long to reach their goals once set. For all the folks I know that have crypto - not one has admitted they have purchased a damn thing with it - every last one invested in it to not miss the get rich quick scheme going on. Folks don't even know how many of these dang things exist now (over 7,000), and there are numerous web sites guiding all of folks like myself - above average programmer - how create, name, and market this trash. World currency my butt - the world have more currencies than ever in man's history thanks to these now. That'll never work anyway - and you don't want it to. As folks learn how to break this - you don't want Russia, China, Iran, and others mining the financial transactions looking for who's doing what with their money - that's how folks get investigated for being in debt, over committed, and eventually for blackmail or espionage. There's a reason why Panama and El Salvador are first in line legalizing or attempt to legalize these folks - open your eyes - drug runner / trafficking / bribing to look the other way payoffs, among other things. Fine countries with established world histories of such great economies. There's a reason the world bank rejected them - fearing their economy is / will collapse. Have yet to hear a single valid reason we need crypto - and what problem it solves - except for the edge cases of start and end cash flow days of a business starting or ending, and private citizens annoyed waiting a few hrs for their cash. I'd rather have currency backed by limited edition Cabbage Patch dolls. Don't dream of 1 govt backed digital currency either - too many govts on this planet want control over their monetary supply - no different than Great Britain never going to the Euro (hint). Governments have final say via the laws they set, and they want traceability -which unless you are a tax cheat, drug dealer, briber of govt officials, or into some other nefarious affair - you / we want.
( Appologies for using an inappropriate word - was not meant to be vulger - just a term we commonly use for something bad. Thank you for not suspending and such. )