10tacle :
shrapnel_indie :
If you define stole as, what in hind-sight, was sold for too little money... then I can see "stole" apply.
What utter nonsense. So you are blaming MS for buying a program from a smaller operation and it wasn't a "fair" deal because MS turned it into something better? Then what would have been a "fair" deal to you back then? Please give a specific number in current adjusted US dollars for relevance. The seller could have mandated any royalties for X amount of years. They did not.
What's next down the road? Complaints that Google paid too little for Youtube ($1.5 billion) at the time ten years ago? Complaints that DirecTV paid too little for LifeShield down the road as AT&T looks to expand it? The possibilities are endless in hindsight "deals." All that matters is that the deals were signed and both parties were happy with the deal. What, do you want the government to step in the middle of deals now?
Oh and speaking of monopolies, since when have OS X and Linux not been capable and successful alternatives to Windows/PC?
<SIGH> In the case of purchasing the OS for dirt cheap, MS isn't at fault as they just practiced the norms. "Steal" in that case was more of a "I got it for a steal" type steal.
The success of Mac OS-X (Cheap, but Apple would rather you only use it on their expensive hardware) and Linux (Totally Free) COMBINED only have maybe about 3% market share. Not exactly successful in market share. Successful in being able to survive, definitely. Alternatives to Windows? Yes, despite Linux being harder to set up for the average person.
Please relax and stop overreacting to just an opinion, not a complaint, your blood pressure will be thankful.