Hitachi HDS721010CLA332 unreadable


Nov 9, 2016
I need to get access to a HDD that was formerly an external drive with a software to it: Hitachi Lifestudio Desk Plus 1TB - the HDD inside that case is a Hitachi HDS721010CLA332 with Firmware 'jp4oa3ea'

Since my last internal HDD with Windows crashed several times because it is kaputt, it appearently also crashed that software and/or the internal USB controller of that Hitachi External HDD.

That means: When I connected that USB controller with the external HDD neither in BIOS nor in Windows it was found...

Let me say that straight: The HDD runs perfectly and smooth! It has no defects inside appearently.

So now I can put it on as SATA or on a different external adapter and both times it says in Windows under Control Panel -> Management ->Computer Management -> Memory -> Memory Management.... it is set as Drive with no Volume and no Letter....and a black bar with "not allocated space".... and if I look at those specifications it says "1TB free space" which indicates to me that the access is restricted. So you really need the original software (which is unavailable anywhere else on the web) and/or that specific USB-Controller to get access to the files. Because in Windows it says "HDD could not be migrated" - "driver not found".

What I tried is Hirens CD and several tools like Partition Wizard but nothing really worked in terms of at least saying there are files on there.

So I tried "Find and Mount" - no success either.

Right now I am letting DMDE run a scan on it... but I doubt this will help.

Any suggestions? =/

btw. here is how it looks like on Windows:

What is happening is that your hard drive is "encypted". Some usb enclosures have this enabled by default, and prevent any way of recovering the files if it is stolen. The only way to recover your files is to either repair your USB controller, or to get an exact same controller off ebay or amazon.

Great Idea to "repair the controller".... XD
What can I say...check the fuses (smd with 0 on them), check the line filters, etc. If all looks good...change U5 or U1? I know this isn't an easy fix in the least. I usually never bother replacing the micro-controllers myself with this kind of issue.

If the controller has power, you checked the cable, and it doesn't detect in the bios or any other pc....change the controller with another. That's the only two options, sadly, for encrypted drives.

Well the thing explain....when I put the HDD back into the case with that controller - connect the power cable on it and connect it with the USB. The light on top of the case (which indicates if the HDD is working by flickering when reading/writing on it) turns on and the HDD starts spinning and 'reading'.

But as I said: It is not found - neither in BIOS nor under Windows.

"I did -NOT- -HAVE- -SE...." ehhh I mean I tried to put the thing on another computer without success.

And putting on another drive does not succeed either....


well I know there might be some old Lifestudio Desk squirming around.

The Problem is just that they were.... built with 2TB and 3TB as well as 500 GB.... and the real risk is that if you find a 500 GB for a cheap price.... that it won't accept a 1TB....

I also wrote to Hitachi Germany right now and see if they might have a chance to fix that issue.... in terms of customer friendliness and so on they should find a sollution!

And even if I opened the case outside, the thing is 6 years old and there is no guarantee to it either.