Holiday Buyers' Guide 2006, Part 7: More Mobile Stuff


Feb 10, 2006
Your friends at MobilityGuru bring you another round of the hottest, coolest and most unique gifts for friends and family on the go. Click in and see what Ed, Justin, Barry and our favorite model Sarah have in store for you this time.


Dec 1, 2006
Wrappers Fire-Retardant Notebook Sleeves
:lol: Well if you cant keep them from exploding, might as well protect everything else from the blast. :roll:

Sarah, you are the greatest as always! :wink:
Keep up the good work.


Nov 2, 2006
Wrappers Fire-Retardant Notebook Sleeves
:lol: Well if you cant keep them from exploding, might as well protect everything else from the blast. :roll:

Sarah, you are the greatest as always! :wink:
Keep up the good work.

Thanks! By the way, I absolutely love those little notebook sleeves. Much cuter than anything else I've seen.


Jun 14, 2006
... I still don't get it. I keep asking and asking, and nobody can tell me why the G5 seems to be more advertised and popular than the logitech G7 mouse. I HATE cords and the feel of them dragging around, and the battery charging system is brilliant, to the point where it takes me seconds to change a dying battery for a G7.

I guess maybe people just really like the novelty of changing mouse weight.

I love those scott vests. I wonder if they make one warm enough for Canadian winter.

thanks once again Sarah for adding significantly to the entertainment factor of the article. :)


Nov 8, 2006
I love those scott vests. I wonder if they make one warm enough for Canadian winter.

:lol: I was thinking the same thing. Spent the last two winters in northern Ontario. Now I'm back in (typically) mild-weathered Seattle, but that still doesn't stop me from thinking it. :wink:


Dec 21, 2006
Sarah, a couple points:

1) You're an attractive girl
2) You seem to have a nice personality
3) It's cool that some women don't feel intimitdated by the tech industry or feel they want to shun it.
4) Every girl I've met likes Snood.
5) Your posing while kind of cool, kind of fun, kind of festive, is also demeaning. You're there to generate sales. If that's ok with you, then so be it. Pants would have been better, but hey, the demographic here...


Jun 14, 2006
Sarah, a couple points:

1) You're an attractive girl
2) You seem to have a nice personality
3) It's cool that some women don't feel intimitdated by the tech industry or feel they want to shun it.
4) Every girl I've met likes Snood.
5) Your posing while kind of cool, kind of fun, kind of festive, is also demeaning. You're there to generate sales. If that's ok with you, then so be it. Pants would have been better, but hey, the demographic here...

nice first post newbie. I'm sure the THG staff will tear down the article because of your opinion :roll:

wearing stockings is demeaning? Well, they all need to be taken off store shelves then! how DARE they sell clothing to cover women's legs! Pants are looser, and therefore far more important than tighter fitting leg-covering material. Women don't wear skirts, that's CRAZY!

sorry, that kind of post is just so frustrating to read. I can't fathom what kind of person is offended by something that has nothing to do with them. Sarah's a beautiful woman, and I get the impression she has enjoyed this series of buyers' guides. I don't claim to know anything about her personality from the few comments she posted among these articles, but I appreciate her efforts and confidence in such a public article. she adds to the article's appeal for most readers who have commented, and there's no reason to rain on her parade.

Honestly, what positive influence do you think your post would accomplish? You have a nice personality but you're demeaning? That is insulting to Sarah, and nobody else.


May 18, 2006
... I still don't get it. I keep asking and asking, and nobody can tell me why the G5 seems to be more advertised and popular than the logitech G7 mouse. I HATE cords and the feel of them dragging around, and the battery charging system is brilliant, to the point where it takes me seconds to change a dying battery for a G7....

Me thinks you answered your own question. Unless a cordless device has a docking station, many of us can't be bothered with cordless devices anymore. Changing batteries is a PITA, regardless of how long it takes. Its an inconvenience that I don't care to deal with.

We had a G7 on our server, which was rarely used. Seemed that every time we needed to use it, the battery was dead. We sold it with one of our used systems to get rid of the headache.

I also tested the G7 on my computer for a few days, which was all I could stand. I use a G5 on my system daily. The G7 provided no benefits over the G5 that I'm aware of, while the G5 (mine is almost at max weight, personal preference) is smoother, and more accurate. Where the G7 occasionally seemed to brain fart (nightmare when playing games, and just irritating when doing anything else) the G5 is steady Eddie. We use a cordless phone, run satellite TV into our computer room via a wireless connection, and have a microwave in close proximity. All of the above interfere with the performance of the G7.

My system isn't moved around, so the G5 cord never gets dragged around. I can't feel that it has a cord during use.

IMO the G7 is an Edsel, where the G5 is a Cadillac. While Edsels were thought to be lemons by most people, they had a select group of followers who loved them. Everybody wants a Cadillac, if only to say they've had one.

The $80 AUD I spent on the G5 is the best $ I've spent on a mouse to date. If I ever need to replace it, it'll be replaced with another G5, at least until something better comes along.

Now you may not like or agree with the answer you've gotten, but at least you've gotten one. :)


Jun 14, 2006
fair enough, I see some value in your opinion, particularly in a heavily used wireless bandwidth environment (cordless phones, wireless satellite, etc). I also agree a wireless mouse of any kind is probably a bad idea for a server, unless it has a docking station AND a lithium battery (because ni-cad would die lots faster due to never being fully discharged).

Personally, I have never experienced what you described where the mouse might fall asleep, etc. I have experienced that on my metal mousepad, it will frequently fully discharge overnight just sitting on the pad. put it on the desk and it's fine, which is weird, but does not bother me too much.

a docking station could never be an option for me I don't think, because what if I wish to game, and the batteries have died? I now have to put it on the cradle and wait a few hours? lame. :p

I wonder if my desk configuration (keyboard tray) lends to how annoying mouse cords are for me (and also headset wires). I think they would be much less annoying if I had a single level desk surface, so the wire does not fall off into empty air for a lot longer. the headset wire having to run around my keyboard all the time is immensely annoying though, and I can't find a solution for that. So far, I have been unable to find a decent wireless/bluetooth headphone WITH a good mic for gaming. It seems like it should be easy to engineer seeing the cell phone bluetooth mono headsets, but they are'nt made with dual headset cans? weird.

off topic entirely, how the heck do you run wireless satellite?? :)


May 18, 2006
how the heck do you run wireless satellite??

We get 2 satellite feeds to factory receivers, one to the master bedroom and one to the living room. We run the signal from the living room wirelessly via a 2.4GHz video sender transmitter to the computer room and a video sender receiver. Best $20 I ever spent. Got ours at Jaycar, but I'd think Radio Shack would have them in the USA. Works like a charm as long as the microwave is off and the cordless phone isn't powered up. Can even work the satellite remote from the computer room. :)