Hello. Recently I bought a new GTX Geforce 1050 Ti Gaming with 2 fans expecting it to fit into my computer. It unfortunately did not fit and I was about to send it back and get a refund when I thought about hooking it up externally. I am new to the PC building scene so I don't know what would be best, however, I don't want to spend a ton more money on this if I don't have to. My question mainly is "Is it possible to hook up a Graphics Card to a computer through a USB connection?" I've seen eGPU units that aren't blocks, but rather little things similar to what you would plug a graphics card into that have connections for other things. (example: https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA6V85J95575&Description=external%20graphics%20card&cm_re=external_graphics_card-_-9SIA6V85J95575-_-Product) However, I want to know if there's a USB driven one, like one that would connect via a USB cable to my computer or if that's not possible, one that I could easily understand. If this makes any sense, please answer sooner rather than later as I would probably be returning my GTX Geforce 1050 if I don't have a solid answer soon. Thanks.