Horror story with monarchcomputer.com



I bought a custom built system from them and it would not boot. I opened the case, and found in horror that the RAM was missing. I looked for it everywhere inside the computer to see if it's stucked somewhere, but I could not find it. I sent a complaint email to the tech support, but it didn't reply for a week. I sent another email, they replied that the phone number I supplied missed a digit so they couldn't call, so I checked my saved email but couldn't find that "missing digit". One week later they finally called and said they would investigate the matter but had to go through several departments and promised it would be solved within a week. Another two weeks has passed and nothing has come from the company. Oh well.
Thanks for the tip. Best of luck.

Please visit <b><A HREF="http://www.ncix.com/canada/index.cfm?affiliateid=319048" target="_new">http://www.ncix.com/canada/index.cfm?affiliateid=319048</A></b>
Thanks for the tip. I'll keep that in mind...Sometimes they have good prices on stuff, but I'll be aware of what you said. Have you thought of threatening them with a report to the BBB or something? You got nothing to lose.

"If you teach a child to read, then he or her will be able to pass a literacy test" - George W.
If you every have any doubts about your rights as a consumer here is a site that is helpful;<A HREF="http://www.consumerworld.org/" target="_new">http://www.consumerworld.org/</A> The BBB sounds like a good choice. They will record your complaint and you can check to see if anyone else has done the same.

Fisher of men