How and how far can I overclock my i5-4690k?


Dec 28, 2015
I've never touched the realm of overclocking for fear of getting the chip and everything fried. I know it's a k and supports it, and I bought/installed a scythe kotetsu cooler since a stock cooler wouldn't be able to handle it, but that's where prep stops. What do I need to know to safely accomplish a useful/safe overclock? Any help is greatly appreciated, sorry if I respond late and thank you in advanced if I personally forget to do so!
i had a 4690k until about a week ago. used it in a z97 mini-itx board, in a very tiny case (cm elite 130), and a corsair 120mm all in one cooler, with a gtx 980 in there too. the machine was used primarily as a plex server and was often at 100% due to transcoding and other video encoding projects i ran in the meantime. very hot environment for it. that said, my 24x7 overclock was 4.5 ghz. was perfectly stable for 4 or so years until the water cooler was moved and then leaked all over the motherboard and took it all out.
How and how far can I overclock my i5-4690k?
Depends on many things. The chip should support up to 4.5GHz on all cores. More if you're lucky.
What do I need to know to safely accomplish a useful/safe overclock?
You should consider five things inside BIOS for CPU OC. Using 1 works just fine for modest OC. The others are for optimizing and going higher.
0. Latest BIOS update
1. Core ratio
2. VCore (CPU voltage)
3. LLC (Load Line Calibration).
4. Any power saving that might be enabled.
safe overclock?
Vcore below 1.3v
CPU temp below 75c for daily usage. If you haven't changed the thermal paste for at least 1 year, consider doing.

If you want to research, consider reading this guide.

Happy Overclocking