Question How and what should I overclock my ram to


Update your post to include full system hardware specs and OS.

For example, is the current RAM 2 x 4GB or maybe 1 x 8GB?

First start by reading the motherboard's User Manual:

(Verify that I found correct/applicable User Manual.)

Second, check the allowed overclocking on the RAM modules.

Again verify.

Use the manuals to decide/select on the overclocking scheme you wish to use.

Post your plan - details matter. Everything must fit and work with no overclocking and then be able to be overclocked within specs.

For the most part, without knowing the full system hardware, I think the PSU may not be enough.

Moving your post to Over-Clocking Category.


What should you OC your ram to? Set XMP or EOCP or whatever your bios says it is, and call it a day, because overclocking ram is the single hardest thing in a pc to OC and get right/stable and rarely shows any benefits over XMP settings.

While I can give you kudos for actually asking the question before diving into ram OC, the fact that you felt you needed to ask just screams that it's way above whatever knowledge of pc's you do have, and should not be attempted until you get a serious grasp on ramifications of manual timing adjustments.

So just enable XMP.