I've looked up on the AMD site for these Vulkan drivers, but I understood they we're for developers, and I was unsure if they we're installers aswell, any and all help is apreciated.
They get installed when you install/update your video drivers. What AMD GPU and version of Windows are you using?
Provide the FULL Specs and model of your Laptop. Which GPU is it ? Also, which game did you actually try to play ?
Yeah, did that, and it crashed, just like the other times where I changed it ingameTry this. First, re-install the full game once again. You have to set the API back to Vulkan via the .cfg file. The file should be located in [USERNAME/Saved Games/id Software/DOOM/base/] and it's a file named "DOOMConfig.local",
There is a line (r_renderAPI) - change the number "0" to "1" to reset the rendering API back to Vulkan. Save your changes. For OpenGL i think you need the 0 value.
IF the above method doesn't work, then try this: Right click Doom, go to "Set Launch Options" type in "+r_renderAPI -1" without quotes. It hopefully should work.