luka1000 :
just wondering is it a complete wast if i get 32 gb of ram right now i have 16 and i am upgrading my computer from a GTX 1050 to a RTX 2060 so then i can get enough fps to use my 144hz monitor lol and i was wondering if i should upgrade my ram at the same
As the 2 moderators mentioned, if you are on a gaming rig, there's no reason to go up to 32GB. I was on the same dilemma and I figured it out that it's a waste. 16GB for gaming will get you for at least 2 or 3 more years, while DDR5 platform will be introduced in 2020-21 (?) and then you would upgrade your whole system.
If you are on 1080p / 144Hz monitor, RTX 2060 will be more than enough, it can even support 1440p / 60Hz, but if you are able to spend some more money, you could go for a RTX 2070 instead and get that future-proof grade GPU (which I don't recommend either since it's an overkill).
Unless you run a Ryzen CPU, there's no reason to upgrade your RAM. If you have a Ryzen CPU and you want to squeeze every single FPS out your CPU, on 1080p, then you should try some Samsung B-Die rams, like Trident Z series (3200C14) or Corsair's Vengeance PRO.
On the other hand, if you do have multi tasking or heavy video rendering/photo editing then you should get 32GB of RAM