How can I control my background process?


Feb 21, 2016
I'm a live streamer with a personal built PC. My cup will max out on some PC games while streaming. I use low settings on my games for a boost of FPS (like H1z1 & CSGO)
I'll get on my task manager to view the cpu and it does max out (Intel i5 4690k)
Is there a way to start my computer, not have to open my task manager, have unnecessary apps open, and having to end them manually?

By doing that^ I can get a regular 30% cpu with my internet pages open, OBS, and two apps that help my stream.
I can get my cpu between 90%-100% while gaming and streaming but I need to lower that.
Thank you in advance for reading and responding.
You can select what programs and services you want to start with windows using msconfig. Just go to start and run msconfig. You can even just type msconfig in the search and it will find it as well.