How can I make my computer faster without a SSD?


Nov 26, 2015
Hi, I was wondering how I could make my computer faster without an SSD?
I am looking to execute these ideas of yours on my laptop and gaming PC, I know that I can use CCleaner and Defraggler to make it more faster but are there any more ideas?

My Gaming PC specs:

Custom Built PC
Windows 10
Gigabyte MotherBoard
AMD 4130 Quad-Core Processor @3.80Ghz
4K Resolution Supported (1080p Recommended)

My Laptop Specs:

HP Pavilion SleekBook 14-b109sa
Windows 10
Intel Core i5-3337U CPU @ 1.80GHz (2 Cores)
766p Main Resolution (True 720p)

Please give me at least one answer per-user.
Thank You.


Oct 30, 2015
8gb DDR5 RAM doesn't exist, so that may be your problem. Your pc from the future is obsolete here..... J/K... Honstly an ssd will be your best bet. You can't do much except stop startup processes from loading at boot up. CCleaner will clean up your registry and defragging will clean up your HDD, but you probably won't notice a difference.
Aug 11, 2015
In theory, you could stripe your hard drive and load the os in the fastest possible area. Check out youtube for tutorials on how to do this, but it won't really increase the speed that much (maybe a few seconds faster on startup). Yeah, my advice is pick up a Sandisk ultra II ssd tomorrow, they are on SUPER offer because they are cleaning out the stock due to recent corporate business. Seriously, 1Tb for 199$, 480Gb for about 100$, that is UNBELIEVABLE, almost CRAAAAAAAZY!!!!!!!
(Like this post if you get the reference).
Pc you can overclock easy enough or get an FX 63x0 processor and add more RAM.
That should make it better. Depending on your MB and cooling of course.
SSD is not going to do much for games but overall everything is going to look faster and more responsive.
Aug 11, 2015
Dude, what???
8Gb of RAM is plenty, any more is a COMPLETE WASTE OF MONEY!!! (Unless you are a 3D modeler or film editor). None of what you suggest will help in the least! He is already overclocking his desktop as well.
SSDs aren't meant to speed up games, that is down purely to hardware, ssds are more for ultra fast read and writes, so using or making big files, but even word is incredibly fast with an ssd.
I know he doesn't have 63x0 but has a Bulldozer and that's no substitute for Vishera OCed or not, specially not with 6 or 8 cores.. Even Phenom II 955 and up is better.
I'm also aware what SSDs are best for but even for games they can help a bit, faster cut scenes and loading to start with.
Aug 11, 2015
Ehh... What do you mean by it's not Vishera? How is that relevent here? He is most definetely not going to upgrade mobo and cpu if he can't even afford an ssd. And even if he could, fx series pf cpus is old and slow, go for an i5 4460, same price, if not cheaper, and much better gaming performance.
Aug 11, 2015
By same price, I mean
Fx 6300 + oc motherboard + cpu cooler = 100$ + 70-90$ + 30-70$ = 200-260$
I5 4460 + cheap mobo = 215$
And the i5 will be MUCH BETTER in every game. I don't care about 6 cores, not when those 4 are so fast that they do more work than the 6 combined.

Old and slow my foot and that way only change is processor not whole platform. SSD is not going to do as much, just will look faster.

Aug 11, 2015
Old, definitely, slow, also.
Those super high end fx chips, the ones that push 5ghz at stock, they can't match an i3 in single threaded performance. An fx 6300 is much slower than them. I did the math, in order to beat an i3 in anything that uses 2 cores, you would need an oc of 5.3 Ghz. That ain't gonna happen without some serious, EXPENSIVE hardware. Compare it to an i5, and it just isn't even a fair fight. The i5 is better in every category, less heat, faster, more efficient, ecc... The only reason to EVER buy an fx chip is the number of cores, so for editing, I agree they are a great budget choice, but for gaming the intel chips win hands down.

I am not a fanboy, I am infact eagerly awaiting zen and am using an fx 4300 in a school side project, but in this case, you cannot deny that intel dominates the market.
Aug 11, 2015
Also, my pc boots up in 10 secs as opposed to 1 min on a HDD. That saves me 50 sec every day just in booting up. I then save several seconds on everything I open, every file I use and every app I launch. Cpu upgrade will only benefit when the cpu is the bottleneck, something that is never the case (If you have a balanced build). In gaming, it should be the gpu that is the major bottleneck, and unless you have an ssd, the your HDD is your bottleneck in day to day use

Yeah, sorry, went back and reviewed his specs. I guess cpu is probably a bottleneck here. I personally think though, that you would be better off waiting for zen or upgrading skylake, because fx is now 3 years old, and haswell is aging as well. Wait for a new architecture next year, save your money, then upgrade, because otherwise I feel you will be waisting money, whatever you upgrade (unless it's an ssd). By wasting, I mean getting less bang for the buck, not flushing cash down the loo.


Nov 26, 2015

Oh, sorry I meant DDR3 ram, got my head all over the DDR5 for GPUs all over the place.
And with those Apps I've used so far (CCleaner & Defraggler) have given me a massive difference when it come to boot, but when I'm loging into my User Account... It just kills it.
Aug 11, 2015
Sounds like you bottpeneck is either HDD or CPU. Either will cost you, but just pick up a 120Gb sandisk this weekend, for like 40$, and have done with it. Otherwise, I stand by my suggestion of striping the HDD. Sorry for arguing with CountMike, I sometimes get carried away.

My sincerest apologies, CountMike, I hope I have not offended you. That was not my intent.


Nov 26, 2015

When I did a clean install of Windows 10, it used to boot in 5 seconds but once I haven't been on my PC for about a week and thats when it became slow...

And yes your right about the CPU, its 3 years old and it kind of... 50/100 I am planing to get a new Intel CPU next year, so I am saving my money for it
I don't know about prices in your neck of woods but here, in southern Europe that I5 is twice the price of FX6300. Can't really see twice the performance increase and in most games CPU is not of that much importance. I'm speaking from purely practical standpoint. I would also like to have top of the line i7 and dual 980s with 64GB of RAM, wouldn't look at another AMD than but.... Oh well let's dream, eh ?
Aug 11, 2015
Yeah, the main advange of the i5 in its price point when compared to the fx 6300 is that you don't need cpu cooler or overclocking motherboard. I got my MOBO for 50€ and it works great :)
But yeah, the prices are like that here as well, i5 = 175€, fx 6300 = less than 100€, normally around 90 or so.
But if he already has a mobo and cpu cooler, that is a mute point, but I still think you will get more value waiting until next year and getting something much better.

Anyway, my dream pc is an i5 6600k, z170 deluxe mobo, 16Gb corsair vengence ram, twin r9 390s. All the hardware would be watercooled as well. Anyway, dreams are good, because they give us something to work towards.
Aug 11, 2015
Ok, I'm gonna create it tomorrow, I'll send you the link if you want when I finish. Hopefully I'll finally get that almost unatainable badge: have a thread with more than 10 000. Views. All I need to do is call it: tech porn, and they will flock to it like moths to a lamp.
Aug 11, 2015
Hey, I plan to make this new thread a cradle of imagination. Anything you can think of, no matter how bizarre or cool is on the table. No holds barred. I reckon I'll try and focus it more towards looks rather than performance (everyone would choose 4 titans, best i7, ecc...) I hope it'll become something cool, but only time will tell. P.S. any idea how a thread becomes a sticky? Does it need to be elected or something by the moderators? Anyway, gotta go now, big test tomorrow.


Nov 26, 2015
Update: Discussion Closed because my older brother had bought me a AMD processor @4.00Ghz, ever since I got my new processor mounted, my PC had started to go back to its super fast state when I did a reboot on installing the processor drivers. AMD 4130 FX was the main answer to the problem...