How can I play music in game without using a physical aux cable

After reading your explanation, I picture you playing the piano (or other instrument), picking up the sound with a mic, using the PC as an amplifier, having your audience listening via your PC speakers.

Another scenario is transmitting the sound via Skype to an audience at computers elsewhere in the world.

Neither explains why an aux cable would be the cause for bad sound, nor how software can replace a cable.

Please explain more.

Well, I have an aux cable that I run from my phone or laptop to the recording input on my gaming PC. But when I do that it makes static, buzzing noises. I might have to buy a new cable, but, that cable works well with my car aux for example.

My voice quality using my headset is awesome. I really don't know why the sound quality is so bad when using a physical AUX cable. but, whatever.

I just need software that I can use to micspam in games, so when I hold 'V' to talk to other players out comes crystal clear music. (But I cannot use physical methods, software needed)