Question How can I solve this sensisitivity problem after firmware update ?

Dec 20, 2021
Hello guys.

I'm here with a serious problem that has been terrifyng me in the past couple of weeks for which I couldn't find any solution, and I'm desperate for help.

I have an xtrfy m4 mouse and I decided to update the firmware with the update available on xtrfy's official website. Due to paranoic issues I ended up updating more than one time (a couple of times tbh), after that my mouse sensitivity started to get weird and inconsistent, like there was some kind of acelleration, wich is easy to notice playing csgo. First i though I've had broken the mouse, but I ended up testing 3 others different mices, and for my surprise the problem still persisted, So we can discart a mouse problem.
I'm gonna try list everything I've already tried:
  • I've already tried to Updated mobo bios
  • Deleted everything in the hd and reilstalled the windows using a pendrive
  • Updated all the drivers
  • Changed mouse (like mentioned before)
  • Checked the windows sensitivity and disabled the option to add acelleration to the pointer
  • Downloaded and tried Markc mouse fix
  • And finally the most drastic measure, I've Installed a brand new motherboard and a brand new ssd aswell
Unfortunately, none of those things solved my problem, not even a new motherboard and mouse. I can't have fun anymore playing the game that i've played the most, csgo, due to this issue, already tried to adapt myself, but i can't, had to drastically decrease in game sens and every value that i put feels terrible, my performance decreased a lot. I just can't have fun anymore.
I've run out of ideas, accepting any kind of help, thanks.


GPU: GTX 1660 TI
CPU: RYZEN 5 3600X
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It may all be in your head or maybe try a new mousepad. You tried a new motherboard, and it happens in different mice, does not sound like an issue with any of those can exist on all of those components. You change the firmware on one mouse, nothing else, the other mice and the computer would not come into play there.
If I am looking at the correct mouse, this is wireless?

Is there an adjustable "dpi" setting, such as on one of the mouse buttons?

If it's wireless have you attempted to put the mouse and dongle as close together as possible?
Other wireless or Bluetooth items in the same room?
It may all be in your head or maybe try a new mousepad. You tried a new motherboard, and it happens in different mice, does not sound like an issue with any of those can exist on all of those components. You change the firmware on one mouse, nothing else, the other mice and the computer would not come into play there.
Whent the problem first appeared, i thought that i was tripping, but then as i said, i ended up updating a few more times the same mouse firmware update to test, and i think the more i update the worst it gets. The thing that can confirms that it is a real problem it is the sensitivity values that i put in my csgo game. Before the problem i used to play with 400 dpi and 2.0 sens in game and now i have to play with 400 dpi and 0.9something (keep changing everytime cause nothing feels great). So yeah, doesn't make any sense, since i updated a mouse's firmware it should afect only that mouse right? Ended up trying a new mobo cause it was the only thing that i could think furder, because of the usb ports. What do you think,
is there any chance the problem is in some other component?