How can I use a single program installation instance for multiple Windows 10 installations?


Dec 25, 2016
I am going to be installing a second Windows 10 OS on the same drive as the original installation to set up the second installation for performance for video, graphics and audio production. Can I install the same program, ie ProTools and Kontakt, only once to save space and have it be used across both installations?
why install win 10 twice?? Installing win 10 twice on the same drive is just asking for problems, I wouldn't even do it on 2 drives in the same PC.

Why not make two users on the same install? If you had 2 users they can use programs installed but I am fairly certain you can't do it the way you asked about.

Both installs of win 10 would have a unique registry, a program on one install wouldn't be seen on the other one, or should I say, it wouldn't run

Because I want to keep my hhd as back up, and vice versa. This way I always have more than one boot option.
^ that makes no sense at all.

The only way you should really need a backup is ifcthe driven physically fails & then both partitions would be lost anyway.

But the answer is no , you couldn't share programs across 2 different installations , just with one installation & 2 user accounts as already mentioned.

Well, that is not what I am saying. I so not have any partitions yet. But, I do have a 1TB HHB and a 256GB SSD. 2 completely separate drives. Not the same.