how di I know the value of my inetrnetadapter

Oct 22, 2018
I have a AMD FX8350 motherboard. My providerspeed is 200Mb, checking the result with speedtest is was only 85. I checked my PC and it tells 100, but to my opinion i have seen, during privious speed test, around 200 !! Question
1 is the AMD adapter 100 or 1GB Q 2: if 100 is it possible to buy an adapter that fits this AMD. Thx all
1) The CPU doesn't have a network card in it, we need to know what motherboard you have. (Almost assuredly it is a 1Gbps adapter)
2) Which speedtest did you use? Did you check any others?
3) Are you on cable, DSL, or FIOS? Cable networks are shared, you might not get full bandwidth at peak hours if your neighbors also have the service
4) Most ISPs specify an UP TO speed, they don't guarantee that speed at all times under all circumstances.
5) You can install any PCIe expansion card you want, with few exceptions.

Thx your quick response! 1 MSI MS-7640 2. Ziggo by Ookla 3 cable 5 tried my old pc and the info is 1Gb and speed around 200 , I was sure my PC did have this speed before but why is my network adapter changed to 100 ? Thx yor help
Thx, indeed it was the a setting in the advanced part of the network adapter “speed and duplex” most probably changed by an update? Anyway my network is back to 1Gb and my speed 200 mb (as I paid for 😎) Thx for your help an quick response !