Question How do Anydesk Image freeze on Client Pc

privacy mode is only available if you pay for anydesk.
if privacy mode is enabled, the screen of the client will turn black and no any input from this client will be disabled (mouse / keyboard).

i know that method, but there are have new method, it can freeze client PC image, and client cant see what we do, i want to find that method, i have used privacy mode it turn blink black
where did you see this new feature? I don´t think anydesk provides this.
i got someone technical support so he came my PC and any desk, he ask full permission on any desk and he freezer my PC , like i cant see what he doing, no movement can see so that's why i tried to find that option,, if he enable privacy mode it should black screen
maybe he extended the screen to 2 monitors and you couldn´t see the 2nd monitor because you only have one
but a tech support shouldn´t be doing this. Check for malware and trojans to be sure nothing was altered in a harmful way. Check if something was copied from your files, if you don´t know this tech guy.
maybe he extended the screen to 2 monitors and you couldn´t see the 2nd monitor because you only have one
but a tech support shouldn´t be doing this. Check for malware and trojans to be sure nothing was altered in a harmful way. Check if something was copied from your files, if you don´t know this tech guy.
yeah, but i have one screen but hw he work 2nd screen, need to test it

Question about:

"i got someone technical support so he came my PC and any desk, he ask full permission on any desk and he freezer my PC , like i cant see what he doing, no movement can see so that's"

Did that person physically visit your PC to work or remotely log into your PC from another location?

Question about:

"i got someone technical support so he came my PC and any desk, he ask full permission on any desk and he freezer my PC , like i cant see what he doing, no movement can see so that's"

Did that person physically visit your PC to work or remotely log into your PC from another location?
he did it remotely from another location,
So your objective is to visit other remote computers and not allow the end user to watch what you are doing?

Or is your objective to allow yourself to watch what is being done on your computer or to allow someone to watch what you are doing via remote on their computer?

Is this a personal computer environment or a work related computer environment?

Need more understanding about the environment and requirements - including privacy.
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1. this is a personal computer environment.
2. he visited my computer and did some upgrade thing like router unlock so he did an image freeze thing that's why I asked if we can do this, and I am a technician too, sometimes I get some help desk orders so I want to do remote computers user not allow to watch what we are doing, actually I do a software updates, change router settings things. the reason is I am looking at that method, if we allow the end user to do what we are doing next time he not get our help because he does it himself..

Sorry for my English, ...
Your English is fine.

True: some customers will watch and will try to do things on their own next time around. No matter what sort of repair or service is involved. Not just computers....

Overall though most customers will likely make a mess of the repair attempt and it all comes back on you to fix. And the customer gets charged anyway. Maybe more depending on how big a mess was made.

= = = =

Whether or not the customer is allowed to watch or not watch what you are doing is likely up to the customer.

Unless that customer is in a work environment where the customer's bosses do not allow them to watch. Or do not have strong rules in place about staff attempting to "fix" anything regarding computers. And thus let the staff watch.

Likewise, you as a technician, may need guidance from your bosses as to whether or not a customer is allowed to watch or not. Some things perhaps yes, other things perhaps no. Depends on the agreement between your employer and the customers you are serving/supporting based on your employer's guidance.

= = = =

If you have your own business and your own customer(s) then the decision regarding the customer being able to watch is up to you and your customer. Just make sure that the customer understands the consequences if a self-fix is later attempted and all goes bad thereafter.

Keep good records of what, where, when, etc. any work is done on a customer's computer.

They will still try to blame you or someone....

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