i live north of the detroit area-flint to be exact-and i have charter communications internet and phone service as my ip provider and i want to change from their modem which was an arris type that they provided to start it up to my modem/router to get wireless internet-which is a motorola sbg-6580 gateway modem that i want to do it /set it up /myself since i did it last year at a previous place-though i had a computer technician come out to do it-and i still had the charter internet service-and it worked like a real gem then-but the technician told me i had to provide a mac number on the bottom of my modem and my friend's account number since it was a gift from them and a couple of numbers the technician coughed up for me but i ca'nt exactly remember what they were-yet i could still hardwire my laptop to my modem to still get internet access-can you guys give me some right advice on how i could do this myself properly or the best way on how to do this? i truly thank your folks for your advice and help to me! brad w.