How do I connect my Cooler Master 1000W Silent Pro Gold PSU to my ASUS Nvidia GeForce GTX 770 GPU?


Jul 11, 2013
Alright, so I am new to PC building. This is my first time building one. I am pretty illiterate when it comes to the names of the cables, so don't expect me to know which is which unless you explain to me how it looks. I am just having trouble connecting the two. I connected the wire (with 2x female 6 pin) that came with the GPU to a black flat cord with 2x male 6 pin (that came with the PSU), but one part of the black wire hangs off. Like another little 2 pin connecter. The wire that came with the GPU fits on the GPU with a 6 pin. Besides that, there is another 6 pin spot on the GPU with that side by side with the other 6 pin. Do I leave that empty or do I connect something to it? Also, not sure what I do with the 2 pin.
I just googled your PSU. Looks like it has both 8pin and 6pin connectors for PCI-E


Do you have those types in the picture? Most psu's only have the one on the right (6+2), but it looks like you also have regular 6pin pci-e connectors. If that's the case, use one of each.
The 770 takes one 8pin and one 6pin connection from the power supply. It sounds like you are doing it right. One 8pin connector from the psu will fit fine, but for the other 8pin connector, you have to use only 6pins (letting the 2pin just hang there). That is the correct way to do it. Is that what you mean?
The graphics card needs two connections from the power supply. One 8 pin, and one 6 pin. Both need to be connected.

So you would use two 8pin cables from the PSU (note: they are usually labelled PCI-E), but one of the 8pins, you will only be using 6, the other 2 hanging unused.
I just googled your PSU. Looks like it has both 8pin and 6pin connectors for PCI-E


Do you have those types in the picture? Most psu's only have the one on the right (6+2), but it looks like you also have regular 6pin pci-e connectors. If that's the case, use one of each.


Jul 11, 2013

Yep. I mistook the 8 pin for a 6 pin. I will connect that wire in a second. I'll let you know how it looks.


Jul 11, 2013
Yep, both are connected fine, but the 6 pin has another 6 pin that forks off the other way. It is disconnected though. Is that ok? I am guessing it is used in SLI although I don't even know how SLI works yet either.
Is that cable labelled PCI-E? Just want to make sure before I say yes. Hate giving bad information!

Your psu website describes one of your cables like this "one PCI-e 6+2 pins connector extends to one PCI-e 6 pins connector". I'm guessing that is the cable in question.