How do I create a date and time stamp?


May 23, 2016
How do I create a short cut on my keyboard for my initials, date, and time stamp? For example: JS, 5-23-16, 1:00 pm. Meaning set up a shortcut so all I have to do is hit Ctrl + F key then my initials, date, and time would paste.
Does the keystroke combination have to be CRTL + F? (Launches Windows Find).

Or was that just a "for example"?

Auto HotKey may be viable for your purposes....
A macro perhaps that would execute with respect to the chosen key combination.

Suggest that you put together an idea or two in code, test, and post if you have a problem.

Do not know, either way, if your requirement is homework or not. Therefore, it is best that you show your work first and solicit help with respect to a specific problem.

Really cannot provide answers per se but people may provide a hint or two that you can work with....

No, it's not homework :) I have a scheduling program that I use and I'm constantly typing my initials, date, and time. My co-worker has a MAC and she is able to create a short cut. With me having a PC, I have not figured out a way to do the same.