How do I find a specific file in a different drive?


Jan 8, 2016
I just wiped my SSD and reinstalled Windows 10 on it and configured it as my boot drive. The SSD is fine but the installation went a bit wonky for my second drive because I forgot to unplug the SATA cable on it, and now I have 4 copies of Windows 10 installed on my secondary drive. But that complicates things because there was one important text document I had in a file on my desktop that I forgot to back up and I have no idea how I can manage to find it on the second drive. I tried looking for it in the search bar for the drive and that took forever to load, only to present me with some system folders.

But when I go under users for all of the windows copies it is either empty or contains a folder called Public containing a bunch of empty folders. That is a result of all the incomplete installations
This pc/drive name or letter/user name/ documents/, unless you had it under a different folder than the default documents folder. Once you find the drive you can use the search and find the file.

there are 3 windows.old files. Windows.old, Windows.old.000, Windows.old.001. And I noticed a large decrease in the amount of taken space so I assume that the file I was looking for is now gone or severely corrupted.
In all of the Windows.old folders the only file under windows.old is "Public" and there is nothing else left. I don't quite remember if I tried to format the disk but due to the absence of so many folders, I think I may have done an incomplete format. Then I definitely remember the Windows install process looping over and there were likely incomplete installs in each loop.
If you formatted the drive it's gone. You may be able to get some of it back if you use very specific software but that is only a maybe. I'm afraid that you will not be able to get that file back no matter how you go about it.
Ok, well that's pretty unfortunate. I guess I can live without it and make a new one but that would take a very long time. But thanks everyone for your help I really appreciate it!