Question how do i fix fps jitters on high end laptop?

Dec 6, 2024
help my laptop recently has been having fps jitters only in games where its noticable, but on some games it gets really bad and unplayable. i have notices my fans slowing down and my cpu temp go up a bit, could dust be the problem?
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help my laptop recently has been having fps jitters only in games where its noticable, but on some games it gets really bad and unplayable. i have notices my fans slowing down and my cpu temp go up a bit, could dust be the problem?
Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

my laptop
What is the make, model and SKU for your laptop?

only in games where its noticable
Can you state what games you're taxing your laptop with, without stating an etc in the sentence? Where did you source the installers for said games?

Please stick to one thread unless you want spaghetti brains